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  • oooh, I remember now, asking you about how to win against them using Ni, or at least make them piss off.
    I just read your recent message in my page, and I am completely lost. I'm not sure what you are referring to, did you put a message for someone else in my page by mistake?
    Telecom. Not what I wanted, but eh... it works. If I start doubting my decisions, I'll wind back to ground zero, so I'm trying to stick with what I started without thinking too much about my "hopes and dreams".
    How very interesting. I assume straight males do it too; hence the apparent disenchantment?

    Life there sounds hard. I wish you best of luck! I myself am thinking of running away from here in a few years, if I can afford it. Maybe you should try the same.
    I forgot about hijras. Pretty integral part of the culture. They are not only extremely common and tolerated, but also, have certain rights! :) (such as, they can specify "third gender" other than male or female on their ID cards)

    That's different from being gay, but still LGBT-related.
    Well, no, there's also online dating sites and such, so you can find like-minded people who are also looking to be in a relationship.

    "male bonding" as in, if you hold hands while walking, or hug, or touch your male friend intimately in public, it won't be considered gay in any way.

    Um let's see. The advantages are that there's no "anti-gay" propaganda, no nationwide raids, no honor killings, etc. There's "gay circles" and parties which people attend to meet new people and such (I haven't, never want to), which are completely legal because the constitution refuses to acknowledge gay people. The disadvantages... uh, no gay marriage, I suppose. Also, if you're feminine, you will never be taken seriously, anywhere.

    What about there?
    That's all right; not having the right words and saying so is sometimes the best thing to say. :)
    Well, homosexuality doesn't exist according to the general consensus, so it goes under the radar mostly. You can comfortably be "gay", no one cares, as long as you don't announce it publicly. A lot of people are tolerant about it as well (a lot of my friends know and they accept it).

    There's no overt homophobia, and a lot of sexual behavior goes under radar as "male bonding". It's just one huge social taboo that no one talks about, which has advantages as well as disadvantages.
    Heh, I think the best thing I can do for my mood is to stop being at forums, ever, but it's a hard habit to break. Everyone is just so nasty to each other.
    Nah, never ^^. Chaz is brilliant and awesome! I'm actually living with him now, in a sort of sneaky country-rule-bending sort of way, lol.
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