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  • I just pointed out what I thought, you really don't have to convince me however. As I'm sure you can understand, I'm pretty much unconvincable regardless, at least not how you would wish to convince me by both mechanism and conclusion. I would recommend that it is more efficient if you don't waste the effort. Regardless, I'm sure you will mull over my original point for some time.


    It's a folly to assume that just because someone doesn't agree that they do not understand. They may understand perfectly and be making entirely appropriate decisions on that basis. If both sides have this viewpoint then the lack of understanding then becomes simply a disagreement; that's life.
    The first point of recognition is to recognise the complaint; but that's counter-intuitive if people are dismissive regarding the complaint just because it's 'never been about that' before. What you are probably seeing is more people getting annoyed because what was assumed to be an exception by them has been misconstrued into a repeating rule by others. They feel they gave and inch and a mile was taken and they are annoyed about it.

    You should note that 'if they don't get upset with every change' is not a fair policy. It's in the part of those who propose the change to prove its worth; not for those sitting on the status quo to be disenfranchised because others feel they have a 'good idea'.

    There is often a middle ground, 'if they don't get upset with every change' is not that middle ground. Usually people get upset with every change when they feel ignored and undervalued and then their latest complaint becomes their most important complaint.
    wrt. PerN system; I don't believe it uses anything other than the default rep system with the admins throwing around reputation by the hundreds as confetti to the members in vogue. At least, that is where I got my chunkloads of 400 rep blocks from. However, other systems which are required to create a proper forum simply do not exist or are changed in and out on a weekly basis and on whims (yes, I do know).

    Also note, that I did somewhat insist it had a reputation system, it is very useful for taking off topic discussion out of threads and also as a small reward to those who have contributed to the community. At one point it was removed for being 'elitist' on a whim and then was brought back due to popular demand.

    I doubt you will see such visionary thinking there in the future; however, I would be delighted to be (but sadly won't be) proved wrong.
    I actually couldn't care much about the 'little' green bars; but I found the use of 'little' green bars strangely sexist and the argument proposed was demanding that people had no right to complain about the rep bar. In effect I don't think you understood that the wording was belittling others viewpoints even though you were asking them not to do so. I also had no intention of causing shenanigans on the thread by stating that so I kept it to the rep and I couldn't give a positive rep for it.
    My aunt has a chihuahua. They may be tiny and adorable.. but they seem fiercely protective.
    Glad she's ok!
    awww thank you muchly. I don't know, I'm just selfish. i only like writing for people i like. it's the same way with cooking. i honestly don't get what that's about. hee. I haven't tried to publish anything in about eleven years, but I do feel drawn to try again. *ponders*
    HAHAHA! That sounds pretty keen to me. Considering how much I LOVE data :D. (and yes, I used the D word :tongue1:)
    Do you have any of your stories here on the forums? I would love to read some of what you've wrote.
    I would if I was tired. I had to work last night so my sleep schedule is rotated and I don't think I will be able to fall alseep for a good few hours. I might duck out for the night, but well see. :)
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