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  • Actually, I am not on PerN. But I was kinda needing sometime off myself. Thought I'd check if you till needed me around or not. :smile:

    Welcome back. :hug:
    Thanks Arby, you've been on my radar for a few months despite my not regularly logging on to the forum. I hope you're doing ok under the circumstances, and I will continue to send you lots of love and strength. *hugs*
    There was *one* Mexican food restaurant we found there that didn't suck, but once they found out we were Texans they ratcheted up that heat so high, we couldn't finish our food! Lol. I guess they thought we could take the heat.
    Hee I've seen the prawn crisps. I love how they eat 'chips' with every freaking thing. Like coleslaw and french fries with pizza? Really? Who thinks of these things. I feel my culinary perspective expanding. Not my waistline because i walk everywhere now. In two weeks I've developed some sweet calf muscles. I kinda love it here. *makes note about the prawn crisps* the curry is soooooo good. mexican food sucks though, A little part of me is thinking of opening a resturaunt as I'm rather good at mexican food and there seems to be a desire for it. It's like the new culinary thing here now.
    Aww man im sorry to hear life is being less than grand. you'll be in my thoughts, prayers and meditations. Yuppers, I'm in Merry Olde England for next few months. Seeing how things go, it might be a permanent thing. Its pretty swell so far, i feel strangely at home here somehow. Though the weather leaves a bit to be desired (spoiled Californian Girl) and i'm not used to everything closing at five. But people have been really nice to me. Oooh is there anything that you miss terribly that i could send ya?
    Heyaa. ;)

    Life is...pretty rough at the moment.

    But where are you living now? England? How wonderful! I love England, and all the folks there. One day I'll have to come visit.
    how's life treatin ya, sweetness? The jam will have to wait as the berries didn't ripen in time for my trip. But Expect an English care package once i figure things out here. Being in a new country is....just what my soul always needed, somehow. Plus people think my ' yank' accent is charming, so that's nice!
    Hahaa while I was exploring I was thinking that. But I do feel very privileged to be chosen and I know it will be worthwhile work (:
    Well, I sold a textbook back that I don't need, got 65$ for it, and am going to go out for thai food with one of my best friends in about 15 minutes. So I am gonna use that :D
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