im not here to express any negativity so you need not worry

but id perfer to collaborate with you - perspectives,(in all respect)
could you maybe send me those contact details so we mgith keep in touch?
i feel, it seems you have a little more experience then me on this forum, but i didnt
get to catch any of the specifics about the negativity you were referring to
i can see from your posting (the only one ive read/watched from you since im new to the forum)
that you are sinceer in your respects towards others, (even those that disregard your perspective as irrelevant)
what i truely fear in negativity here in this forum , is that some are far to concerned with the intellectual
conceptual basis of things posted here, and oppose any integration of "whats called the HEART"
could we keep in contact and collaborate?
from what i have intuitively perceived from my experience of you is that
you have seemed to have gained knowledge from various resources as i have
and could quite possibly have a "interesting base of objective truth"
as i believe i do myself, "not to sound egotistical"
such information should be spead and shared is my belief, as the enlightenedment recieved from such understandings can change universe's and mould people re-newed "blessings Galore!"
p.s: -God Bless