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  • Yes. You are correct in your estimation. ;) INFJs never post music that is not representative of their mindset, I would gather.
    Yes I can see how you would learn a lot here. Most people in real life tend to be SJ. I dont have anything against them but theyre normally not very interested in the theoretical things. My mum is an SJ and she thinks everything thats going on on the internet doesnt count. Do you have any similar minded people in real life as friends? I tend to instantly connect with N types, not so much with S types, though my former best friend for years was an Esfp.
    That thing with your friend and your mum does sound nasty. You must have a young, pretty mum though.
    Youre right it is very comforting to know that there actually are people similar to yourself around here. Just learning about my type made me feel a lot better about myself, because Ive always felt so different from people around me.
    Lol, technically it hasn't been the whole day, but yes, these feelings best be gone. Thanks.
    Wow, that sounds amazing... the way you described it... I can almost picture it.

    I would love to visit if I ever get my ducks in a row for such a grand adventure. :)

    Thank you for inviting me. :)
    REALLY!?!? Riding on the back of motorcycles is possibly my favorite pastime in the free world. That would make me unbelievably happy!!! I'll cook you dinner! :D *claps & shrieks in giddiness* :D
    No problem. As I said - drop me a message if you need to talk/ask/rant/whatever. c: I've been dealing with my own ED for anywhere between a year and three years, depending on how you look at it, and I've been helping other people deal with theirs' for at least as long.
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