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  • No, Fi deals with values, not social constructs and equilibria of social situations. Fi checks something against your personal values. For example, Fi would go vegitarian because they feel eating meat is wrong and perhaps advocate for it. Fe would go vegetarian just because it's roommates are vegetarian.

    And Infps rarely are open about political ideologies and such. They're more open about personal emotions though. I'm more the former. And if I had Fi instead of Fe, I would have come out to my friends a long time ago. Instead, I didn't because I didn't want to ruin their day (Fe).
    Te looks for faults in systems and fixes them, Fe has to do with behavior in social situations. I essence, I said that he's in no place to talk smack because it doesn't matter. The reason, it unnecessarily upsets the emotional equilibrium of the thread, Fe. It's actually not the same thing.

    And having Te wouldn't make me an Fi dom. You said I was an Fi dom and then said it was because I used Te (?). I could be an Intj.
    "Who cares" meant who cares if someone has the wrong mbti posted. The guy said there were only 2 Ni doms on this entire forum so I said that A) That's not correct (for various reasons including that he has no evidence for such claims) and B) who cares if someone has their wrong mbti posted because it doesn't matter to him or me because it's about figuring yourself out. I didn't get why he was being so pissy about people having the wrong mbti type on their bar. That's Fe, not Te. If I had Te, I wouldn't be arguing with that guy right now because he's an ISTJ I think.
    How do you know I'm an Fi dom? I'm not mad, just wondering. I've thought I could be infp but it never seemed to fit.
    About 20 minutes ago. I just haven't made a great deal out of it.

    I'll still be here as a member though.
    I'm not very well liked most places.
    I don't quite understand what is so off-putting about me.
    But then I try not to think on it.
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