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  • Okay, well a) I'm definitely not an extravert. Not a chance.

    b) I'm too much of a literal thinker for an N type.

    I don't relate to ENFP in the slightest.

    Out of the many, many MBTI and functions test I've done I've only come up as E once and N once.
    So, you are one of those "NiTi" loops I've been hearing about?

    That is usually presented in a negative connotation. Why?
    She does the exact same hand gestures and eye movements as I did! How can you show me that video and claim I'm not ISFP with a straight face?

    Edit: Also I was going to make a new video, but not if you're going to make snarky comments.
    There's no way I'm Ne/Si nor a J type. I come up as S in almost every test I've done, and there are way too many N types out there for only 25% of the population (allegedly).

    I'm an SP type.
    Thoughts, opinions? (:
    Hehe, I should have been mean and not replied to your message! ;p

    If that's what you thought, I know what you mean. That has been my experience with FJs.
    I really like your avatar.

    I examined it closely and was away laughing on a fast camel.
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