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  • WELL, see this was the whole problem~ I feeel sooo strangled when I feel that I can't do things~ so then I decided to just do whatever, in that way I have decided to go onto your visitor message wall and to write this down, that's alright right? ANYWAYS, come on tinychat more often.
    Some girl posted it on her blog.
    She didn't post the source though,
    but I don't think it's hers.

    I wish I knew who the artist was.

    Just wanted to know because I was trying to completely rewrite the PM to be more insightful and clarifying... I don't know about you yet, but I am either IEI or ILI.
    Ah yes, I just wanted to know if you are still interested in Socionics.

    But yes, I am fine. How are you?
    Ah, I understand your situation. Have been there more than once. :)
    Good luck~ Wish I could give you any good advice, but the only advice I can give is to be patient.
    I don't have any sound at work but the video looks interesting. I've never really heard him outside the music which gave me the impression that his anguish was very forced. I find that real Ni aguish comes in rather subtle undertones in music. Joy Division being a good example.
    Hah, you have a totally different motivation from me then when dealing with people like that. I usually step out so I don't tare my hair out. Well, you're 5w6 and I'm 1w2 so that explains the difference :D.
    I've been seeing this man for nearly 6 months.

    I think that I have earned license to see his face.
    No, no! You are perfectly fine. No worries what so ever! There's just...a history. Lol.
    :D I couldn't make it *too* easy for you. Values and rights of the individual vs. values and rights of the whole. Look at previous posts; it's there.
    Probably...good that you don't. Let's just say I have magical mystical powers that allow me to see the past...! ;)
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