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  • No problem. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. There're also a Socionics forum in case you decide you want more opinions.
    I relate to both equally as well from the wikisocion description.
    Understood. I don't think any of the descriptions are clear cut because they were made from a Socionics perspective and not an objective one.

    I wonder if that's only my Role acting up
    If you are definitely between INFJ/INTJ I'd say you're right. With regards to the Role function, people attempt to be recognized by society, but irritatingly realize their own troubles and insecurities with it.

    Maybe I'm confusing valued Te for Ti?
    There are conscious/unconscious functions and there are valued/unvalued functions. As LII/EII, between Ti and Fi, one will be a natural ability and the other a conscious attempt to appear worthy/respectable.
    Very unlikely.

    LIIs are lead by subjective logic, principles, hierarchies, systems of thought..more likely to tend towards hard science and maths.
    INFJs are lead by their attitudes and relationships, obligations, morality etc..more likely to be humanists and "people persons".
    Yes, everynow and then. Anyone can write really, and I'm not anything above mediocre to be frank.

    Yes, they are rather eerie in their own way... I wonder how I would react to meeting them?

    Yesss, I first encountered that in a book, many years ago, and found it fascinating. Especially old explanations of it, such as 'too much wine in the body'.

    Ah, half my fellow countrymen would be long gone where that the case.:P
    I love ghost stories. :D
    Always wanted to write one, but fantasy and scifi are my fortes, and I have no unique ideas.
    I used to go to the library and scare myself reading through huge books on the supernatural, full of increasingly creepy pictures.
    I think the men in black scared me the most, but SHC just fascinated me. ;,;
    Creepy pasta. That's a new vocabulary all right :P

    But the link......Thanks, I'll look at it tomorrow morning. In the afternoon. When there are people. >_< (easily terrified)
    Ghost stories... which aspect?

    Hmm... I don't know much about ghosts / perceptions of ghost / the 'other world' there...could you tell me more about it?
    Well, that's cool that you think we're similiar. =) And I'm glad you let me know about it. What exactly do you find similiar? Examplify please. I'm pretty much the same here as I am "in real life". But the internets is bad for getting an accurate read on people.

    Also glad that we're both ridiculously good-looking. That's very important.

    Nirvana fuckin' rocks!!!1111
    Are you complex enough to be constantly misunderstood? Do you have so much passion it turns into aggression? Are you, despite this, the nicest and most genuine person known to man? Are you ridiculously good-looking?

    If so, you might be like me.

    Um... right, I shall do it then, but I cannot give you a date by which it will be done. If I ever come to a point where I genuinely feel like doing it (this is necessary so that the information is thorough and accurate) and feel like I have enough free time to do it (this is rarely ever not fulfilled in my natural state), I should be able to do it in one sitting. So, I wouldn't say it should take more than a weak. A period such as that should occur in that time.
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