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  • Hitler wasn't a repressed INFJ, that theory has been torn to bits over and over. While I do agree he was an NF, he had a way with words INFJs simply don't tend to have. sorry, I was mainly comparing XNTP to XNTJ in the video. And their actions.
    And btw I am still very much so questioning extroversion. I HATE large crowds. I like a few select friends. etc. etc. etc. What he says at the end of intj/intp video rings very true to me: I have learned to exhibit extroverted behaviors, but that's very draining. That video I made drained me completely. Very much so.
    You have to understand (and I'm practically giving away my type at this point) that there is a plan for everything I do. However, the difference is I tend to never divulge the plans to anyone. I have deemed that to be foolish and wrong. I am not a builder of systems, I am a builder of people. I direct the people where I want them to go, and when I want them to go. And they usually do it without even realizing I am making them do it. However, I do understand why people are confused about my type, is because I have been working steadily for a long time now to improve my Ne, and Ti. Because they are such awful functions that I use, I attempt to use them nonstop. This is why people see Ne so much in me, is not because it's "in me" naturally, but because I only use it 24/7 in an attempt to make it better. And it's gotten surprisingly better. I also used to like never show emotions, and people kept on asking if I was suicidal. Which I thought was retarded, so now I go out on a limb showing every emotion I can. And don't try to psychoanalyse this statement because I already have.


    This confirms INTJ for me:

    And this validates my functions:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8OzjK-5dAY"]YouTube - INTP & INTJ Functions[/ame]

    thanks for the rep! Just tying to balance out the thread a little with a different perspective
    I am aware of that, but I am saying when it boils down to it I'm not ready to explain it.
    Umm. You're wrong. You won't accept that you're wrong, but it doesn't matter. Because you are.
    Noo don't go insane! Ahem. What's your hobby?

    Depends, really. Not a lot of youths here are very liberal in attitude. The majority, me included, stay away from alcohol and smoking pot (it's something about both religion and law). A lot are more likely to be narcissistic than nihilistic (at least their front), and...

    ...on second thought, my social circle is pretty conservative even in a slightly different flavor (My circle is Christian and/or Buddhist.)
    Wow. That's quite an amazing tally of list. Family meetings should be...fun then. o_o;
    Are there a lot of youths in Pakistan similar in attitude, if not belief?

    Yep. there are a lot of similar individuals here. :)
    O_O; Wut. Eradicated why.

    Glad to hear it's doing well. Hope things are going to be better sooner or later. It's always the older generation who have a problem.... I can't say I'm anticipating the time when I'm becoming one of them......To be honest some of the younger generations here have concerned me a bit. OMGIAMBECOMINGONEOFTHEMMUSTSTOP

    Ah, that's great; at least to someone foreign my country can be cool. XD
    Eh? Why cool?
    Well, I'm not a Muslim and live in a predominantly non-Muslim circle, so I may not know the full extent of being 'inside' one. (Hence my lack of understanding of Quran too) But I suppose there's always the silver lining :)

    Are you one of the occasional ray of sunshine? :D I take it youth are generally one of the rebellious ones no matter where they are...
    Ooh. :)
    Indonesia. Which I assume is probably more diverse than yours, but still has Muslim as its majority.
    1) I didn't mean to come off as mean. I had just woken up with only 4 hours of sleep. But I've pretty much always been INFJ, I was just trying out the other types to see how well they fit. They didn't fit. I do keep the ENFJ bar in my signature because I tend to be a bit more gregarious and outgoing than most infjs.
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