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  • If you are curious about why i said you were "Resonant" in that one thread, it is dually because a lot of what you post seems to have so much gravity, and you also kind of remind me of another poster with a variation of that term in their name.
    HI :) :) :)
    You lived in a monastery once!?!? Isn't it sad to be an only child? I always get jealous when I see other people who are close with their sisters/brothers. I don't really have much cousins too :( :(
    hi!! :) I'm sooo sorry I haven't replied for so long ahaha I was really busy.

    Elders like your family? are you an only child? :)
    OMG!! I'm 17 too :) :) :)

    you're advice... sounded like a 30 or 40 something :)) :)) :)) OMG that's soooo cool!!!! :) :) :) :P

    That's true. I re-read mine and I get reminded of how immature I was :)
    hello :) :) yeah!! I think journals are really helpful. I only write on my journal if I feel an intense emotion :)) :)) I'm too lazy to write everyday bwahahhaa.

    Oh..and you're still studying? :) I thought you were an adult or something hehehehehe
    I will try to do those things. :) I will pray for guidance :)
    sometimes I get lost in thought that I don't know why I feel something anymore.
    I don't even know how to compliment myself.... When I'm alone maybe I can handle it but if I go to school or go out, it's hard because of all the people around me who remind me of why I hate myself :( :( :( I hate it..I don't like myself... I'm such a mess
    Hrello :) thank you so much for your advice. I find it very comforting, useful and true. I really do want to find a way to love myself. I was actually thinking about it last year. It's a paradox. You have to love yourself more than anyone else and only then can you give or share genuine love to others but I don't know how to love myself... I can't even accept myself sometimes.
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