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  • Yeah, that's it exactly. I can't help her, because I have no better coping mechanisms to teach her. I stopped cutting for 7 years while I was married to her dad. I thought that would be enough... that would make me healthy for her. But cutting isn't really anything but a bandaid, and a distraction from what going on underneath. I just didn't want to try to explain that mommy makes the "dog scratches" herself. :S
    She's 10, and I do try to keep her nails cut really short. The kiss was for outside your head. My daughter hits herself in the head a lot when flustered. I haven't discussed cutting with her. I am afraid it will give her ideas.
    Artichoke and spicy tofu casserole

    lol. That's weird because I am sometimes the one who shares things with my friend that he verbally tells me is annoying or he's not in the mood to listen to. But he also shares so openly about many things, that I get the idea that he's trustworthy---not having some ulterior objective. I almost always listen to him, but sometimes I'm just not interested as much in the same things. But we really get along very well in person. I think trust and openness are the most satisfying thing.

    You might try asking him to say what he thinks but in a gentle way and then be less direct and allow for a lot of pleasant, quiet interaction time before you expect him to share what he thinks. Also, positive remarks, though perhaps manipulative from your perspective, can be very helpful if the remarks are genuine.
    Not really. We are fairly indulgent towards each other, amazingly, even though he is frank and clear-cut. The thing that really works is he doesn't leave things unsaid, but he also makes it a point to verbalize the "but no offense" part of a statement. Also we are both schedulers. He forgets the day when we're supposed to meet up sometimes, but he also checks with me. And he's punctual. So punctual + scheduling + directly communicative all make it much easier to interact than others.

    I drive him insane when I "talk on three different lines of thought". lol.
    Thread: What's your Fascination...
    I'm wondering about your basis for this...


    I have a very compatible friend who is ESTJ. :D
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