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  • badges were just made for the fun of it. :) You don't have to use them. Thank you for participating.
    No problem, don't be afraid to speak up for yourself. If the intention is right, most INFJs take criticism well. If they don't, it's their problem. Sometimes you just need to "tell it like it is." :)
    Good job on your blog. You hit the magic number of 21 days.

    A good habit - one of self- discovery.
    And no, I am not a member of the Latter-Day Saints. But if I were, I would donate money to a local branch and double the number of pipes on their organ. I would also change their Sacrament from water to wine. :D HAHAHA
    Think about it: an INFJ in the LDS? Ha! Let us assume that an INFJ would love the decor of the LDS environment (as many SJs would). That would still only attract less than 1% of the usual proportion of INFJs in a typical setting. (INFJs are not given to most places, although it can be argued that, since it's a religious institution (i.e., a holistic setting), it would have many people who didn't necessarily "choose" to be there and thus would retain the usual 1.5%.)
    It has the best flavor ... almost a combo of Worcestershire Sauce and BBQ. We use it on most everything including veggies. It would be especially good on a portabella mushroom sandwich.
    Original Sauce (+++best EVER)
    RE your rep comment... I think you might be surprised at how understanding some people can be. Especially on a forum like this full of empaths. Perhaps if you write them out it might help you to work through them. INFJs LOVE to support lol.
    My goals are coming along ok thanks.

    I've actually written quite a bit in the last month... A couple pages towards a short story, more towards a novel, and quite a few on different outlines. I always second guess myself on quality and the direction I'm going, but I keep at it every day. I think that is probably what is important.
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