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  • I just actively choose to not care what people say or do and tend to say whatever happens to roll off my tongue.
    I'm planning to walk across the US. It was originally going to be this year but plans changed.

    I'm also hoping to hike the Pacific crest trail someday.
    @Rep, I'm self-employed and make some time for it in the morning or at night. I don't watch TV or anything, I prefer walking and listening to my ipod.
    Thanks :) I'll need to get good absorbing systems, I have slightly high arches so I'll have to get quality insoles as well. My running place is a soft often sun-baked dirt road--- or the top of the dyke which is just earth with some sea grass growing in patches.
    You can make a compass which always points to your home, and additionally, once you have a bed, if you die, you respawn in it. :3
    When I got this computer, I built a basement first. Basement went into a mine. Mine went really far down into the world, zig-zag patterns. Built a one-story building over it, with 'FUCK' made on top of it with cobblestone and sandstone, built a long path to a mountain, emptied out the core of the mountain and made a big building in it, made steps to the top, put a two-story house on top, made a long path away and built a gigantic 100x100 block mine all the way to the bottom of the map, built a tower out in the water (not a water-tower), and put a portal to the nether in that. I AM A BOSS AT MINECRAFT. :D
    Yep.... I think Subway is the culprit. After eating so healthy and being picky about what I eat and then going for deli meats.... ugh.
    Corresponding in this one sentence back and forth is too difficult to keep track of what my train of thought was.
    Hey AKM! Thanks for the short exchanges here and there. I hope you do find yourself and things will normalize again. Good luck for the future!
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