1491 and then Columbus brings Christianity to the West

Got problemz? Apoplectic haywire configurations!? I shall straighten them all for you. Ha ha!
I was very disappointed by the Saudi stuff. The information presented therein is not vetted properly, and seems to emanate from a very sick mind. I'm sorry this happened. I don't know where to begin to undo this stupid stuff. Many people in this group do not seem to me to be well-informed, and may be mentally ill.
When you in a mirror...
I don't completely understand what happened. I listen more often now to the Republican side of things, as I can no longer stomach Democrats. I was a Democrat for a long time, but they have slowly sickened me with their reverse racism and reverse sexism and reverse classism. It seems too easy to understand things in that way. I think it makes America weak to constantly find fault with it and with its origins. We have a few problems but I still think Columbus was good, the Monroe Doctrine is sound, our wars have been good, our Constitution is good, our founding principles are fine, and we should get back on our feet and destroy the Chinese next. They suck.

wow.....I think the parties are fucked, I think the gop is willing to raise the temp of the planet 5*F to get what they want, I think think the dems will ride the sexism, racism, homophobism horse into the ground. I think the average guy is a mess. I think the colonists who revolted against the throne were awesome. I think columbus was and opportunist and I think the church then and now is devoid of real god. I think China is intense.
cuckoo for cocoa puffs
Global warming is a crock meant to elicit Sky is Falling type thoughts which gives Big Government yet one more way to regulate businesses into the ground, and make the government even more powerful, and less efficient, while driving the rich out of business, and creating even more unemployment which the Democrats will then use to get even more people on their nipple.

The Republicans are probably way too business oriented, and way too competition oriented, but it does employ people, and does create an economy. We must stop buying cheap goods from China and Vietnam and Malaysia and start making our own things again. Anything we really want is worth buying from a sane sensible company that isn't destroying its employees the way that the Chinese are doing.

There are a few American shoemakers left. Pay another hundred dollars and get American shoes.
Do you think that the Christian west has brought good things to the globe, or do you see the west as a plague that has only brought genocide and disaster? Many claim that Columbus was a big meanie who hurt Indians for fun. But closer scrutiny reveals that he had a very strong Christian commitment. Vienna had almost fallen to the Muslims shortly before his voyage, and he was trying to find a source of revenue that would allow the west to sustain its fight against the Muslims. I'm sure glad he got his hands on Incan gold, so that we could fight off the Muslims in Europe with renewed resources. Would it be better do you think if the west were to collapse, and Sharia Law became universal?

I think we need to look at this from a much earlier period in history, say at the point that Rome installed Christianity its state religion.

Did Christianity save the Roman State and insure the continued growth of culture within its boarders or did the religion calcify at that point and then lead to the retardation of culture in Europe that was not undone until the rediscovery of science and art in the Renaissance?

For me it is clear that once the Apostle's Creed became the standard by which a person was judged a Christian and the Bishops went from being political criminals to being in command of the police apparatus the history of the west took a decided turn for the worse.