I'll see what i can find, but prob not tonight as its gettin late here!
yes the media is owned by the corporations, but who owns the corporations? I've posted a lot of youtube videos giving this sort of info recently!
Gay marriage is a fairly liberal issue so i would expect that to get through at some point; it's not an issue i have any emotions about...if gay people feel the need to bring the state into their relationship by signing a contract created by the state then that's their business
The state has nothing to do with my relationship...but that's just my view on that.
Monsanto is getting scary....the increasing power they are having over the food supply, the patents etc. They are part of the corporate web and of course they want the government to protect them and their rights against the people
One of the main forums for the corporate web is the council on foreign relations; here's a list of their members corporate or otherwise: