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Really Chazz? Do we have to argue semantics? Come on.
Every dictionary will list :"ignorant of the fundamentals of a branch of knowledge" under Illiteracy or something similar. Also, looking back at the etymology of the word, in its original Latin meaning I believe it's "unlearned" or "uncultured" and not necessarily about the skill of reading or writing. I could be very much wrong though, I need either @Bird or @magister343 to check me.
The Merriam-Webster says this:
1. having little or no education; especially: unable to read or write <an illiterate population>
2. showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature <an illiterate magazine>
3. showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge
1. the quality of state of being illiterate; especially: inability to read or write
2. a mistake or crudity (as in speaking) typical of one who is illiterate
Ignorance also a synonym for illiteracy...
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