3D Psyche test

Results - Who I am at my core - my Truest Self

EI 60/40
SN 1/99
TF 45/55
PJ 37/63

77 Spiritual - Missionaries, Idealists, Preachers, Healers, Psychologists

The best concept to describe what this psychological state provides is mystique
I have to say that in my experience, this was one of the best psychological tests I have ever taken based on its theoretical framework, interconnection of various aspects by introverted vs. extroverted, self vs. social, and other means, as well as its extensive writing on each apsect.

That said, the author(s) would do well to tighten up their grammar and spelling. I was also a little skeptical of mapping anything from their framework to that of MBTI - even if in my case it makes some real sense. I don't have the sense that it does for everyone. Also, while I do think there is something behind color theory, I don't know how universal it is in that the meaning of color is strongly culturally influenced. Then again, a very valuable part of this test is the way in which it speaks to both internal universals as well as worldly states that are influenced by resources and situation.

From my analysis and sense of things, I think:

  • Results speaks to your core, or Truest Self. This is who you are, internally.
  • Daily speaks to your day to day, or Functional Self. This is who you are, externally, as you engage and interact with your world, within the constraints of resources and situation.
  • Tone speaks to who you want to be, or Aspirational Self. This is who you desire to be in terms of psychological drive and need - both to self-actualize as well as an expression of what you value - what you find an expression of truth, beauty, etc., in.

I don't know how to read these results..

I guess my results are:






Favorite Tone:



I really don't get it..
Is it saying I'm actually an enfp, who acts like enfj in my daily life who wants to be an entp??
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I like your take on what Tone could mean. I have been obsessive lately about increasing my Se and being able to live in the moment and outer would more, with less worry pulling me inward. I love my idea-chasing and Internet-research safari's too much to stop being such an Ni though.
I don't know how to read these results..


I really don't get it..
Is it saying I'm actually an enfp, who acts like enfj in my daily life who wants to be an entp??

I think there is much value to be had in reading the descriptions of one's aspects related to the Results, Daily, and Tone, but I do not think there is much value in judging how right (or not) the test's MBTI translation fits one's self-understanding (as it concerns MBTI).

My sense is the translation to MBTI is clumsy at best - not because it comes up with incorrect scores for most people - but because the essential framework of the 3D model has nothing to do with MBTI - it is something else entirely. Generating a MBTI type is attempted, but based on the results, something is very much being lost in translation.

I suggest going back and reading the descriptions (in your case) for Spiritual, Cordial, Ideational, Social, Conceptual, Lethargical, Factual, Sensational, and Ideational, in the context of who you are at core, who you function as day to day, and who you wish to be, and noting the resonances (or lack thereof). I think it will make a lot more sense this way.

Don't approach it from the MBTI scores it gives you - they aren't what this test is about, in my opinion.

I have to say that in my experience, this was one of the best psychological tests I have ever taken based on its theoretical framework, interconnection of various aspects by introverted vs. extroverted, self vs. social, and other means, as well as its extensive writing on each apsect.

That said, the author(s) would do well to tighten up their grammar and spelling. I was also a little skeptical of mapping anything from their framework to that of MBTI - even if in my case it makes some real sense. I don't have the sense that it does for everyone. Also, while I do think there is something behind color theory, I don't know how universal it is in that the meaning of color is strongly culturally influenced. Then again, a very valuable part of this test is the way in which it speaks to both internal universals as well as worldly states that are influenced by resources and situation.

From my analysis and sense of things, I think:

  • Results speaks to your core, or Truest Self. This is who you are, internally.
  • Daily speaks to your day to day, or Functional Self. This is who you are, externally, as you engage and interact with your world, within the constraints of resources and situation.
  • Tone speaks to who you want to be, or Aspirational Self. This is who you desire to be in terms of psychological drive and need - both to self-actualize as well as an expression of what you value - what you find an expression of truth, beauty, etc., in.


Hmmm, it makes a bit more sense to me when I think of the three different "results" that way.

I noticed the grammar and spelling too... I suspect it was either written by a native Spanish speaker or translated from Spanish to English by a non-native English speaker, as I noticed "sympathetic" was misspelled as "simpathetic? (like "simpatico") and "stranger" as "estranger" (the "st" combination at the beginning of a word doesn't exist in Spanish).
Results: INFP (80% Spiritual, 75% Devotional, 66% Cordial, 64% Conceptual, 63% Aesthetical)

N - 98%
F - 75%
T - 25%
S - 2%

Daily: ENFP (90% Spiritual, 71% Cordial)

N - 99%
F - 67%
T - 33%
S - 1%

Tone: INTP (84% Lethargical, 70% Conceptual, 69% Sensorial, 65% Devotional)

N - 91%
T - 67%
F - 33%
S - 9%
iNFj- 85% Philosophical- 72% Ethical- 70% Spiritual- 61% Cordial
N 99%
F 53%
T 47%
S 1%
Daily: 80% Philosophical- 77% Ethical- 70% Spiritual- 64% Cordial
N 95%
F 51%
T 49%
S 5%
Tone: 50% Logical- 45% Technical- 33% Organizational
N 83%
F 27%
T 73%
S 17%
Results/True Self:


88% Spritual
68% Conceptual
68% Philosophical
64% Protectional

Daily/Functional Self


81% Spiritual
78% Philosophical
63% Protectional
62% Imperial

Tone/Aspirational Self


86% Protectional
74% Passional
64% Spiritual
62% Practical
Whenever I press sumbit on page 4 of 4 absolutely nothing happens. Any suggestions?
Interestingly, however, when I browsed through their descriptions of each type, I found that I matched the INTJ description blocks more closely (Theoretical, Technical, Philosophical, Ethical, Imperial) than the INTP (Theoretical, Lethargic, Technical, Conceptual, Logical).
Hi Everyone - I actually created this site and Test :D

Yes, I am a native Spanish speaker!

This page was just a personal project I created back when I got obsessed with MBTI. It is by no means finished, fact I posted it just not to forget all my work and have it somewhere. It was mostly a personal exercise, and I didn't advertise it anywhere.
I do think there's a lot to the model I developed. I am finally have some time now to review it again.

I am so surprised to find people that actually bumped into the site.

To answer some of the inquiries: The "Results" on the test are the actual results; the other two ("Daily" and "Tone") are my own quirky research to see...
1) how much one question about a person's daily life could approximate the results to the whole test.
2) The Tone is just the results of mixing the amount of favorite colors people answer in the first "example" question. It really has not specific meaning or place in the theory. But, it would be interesting to see if there is a correlation.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll do my best to answer them. Also I enjoyed the suggestions and would love to here more. Thanks!

Also, the site is not finished. Soon I will fix it so that I can keep track of the results ans maybe see if there are any correlations. Maybe then I will ask you guys to help me spread the site and test. For now, let me keep working on it.
Yes, I am a native Spanish speaker!

This page was just a personal project I created back when I got obsessed with MBTI. It is by no means finished, fact I posted it just not to forget all my work and have it somewhere. It was mostly a personal exercise, and I didn't advertise it anywhere.
I do think there's a lot to the model I developed. I am finally have some time now to review it again.

I am so surprised to find people that actually bumped into the site.

To answer some of the inquiries: The "Results" on the test are the actual results; the other two ("Daily" and "Tone") are my own quirky research to see...
1) how much one question about a person's daily life could approximate the results to the whole test.
2) The Tone is just the results of mixing the amount of favorite colors people answer in the first "example" question. It really has not specific meaning or place in the theory. But, it would be interesting to see if there is a correlation.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll do my best to answer them. Also I enjoyed the suggestions and would love to here more. Thanks!

Also, the site is not finished. Soon I will fix it so that I can keep track of the results ans maybe see if there are any correlations. Maybe then I will ask you guys to help me spread the site and test. For now, let me keep working on it.

So... you attributed certain colors to certain MBTI types or functions? Which colors meant what, to you?


80% Spiritual
72% Ideational
69% Protectoral
63% Heroical-Philosophical

Daily :


82% Protectoral
72% Heroical
69% Spiritual
63% Passional



78% Conceptional
74% Ideational
70% Lethargical
67% Inspirational
The colors have no real significance. It is not really about the colors. They are a reference, as the three coordinates in the 3D space are. What I did was try to clean up and organize things I noticed in MBTI, and Jung's definitions.
The colors have relevance in the sense that (interestingly enough) after choosing the three primary ones for my three primary dimensions, the combinations that followed have a very interested resemblance in use and meanings with the "personalities" that pop up. At least for western (american) meanings/use of these colors.