- Enneagram
- 3W4
Finding information on infj 3w4 seems to be incredibly limited... beyond this, the mbti/enneagram pairing itself feels almost incompatible. the first time I took mbti I got entj, I read the results and wholeheartedly went with my entire being "yup this me" *laughs in hindsight* and then the second time i took the test (this time in the company of a friend) I got infj, my reaction was not as enthusiastic to say the least. Not because I felt anything negative toward the description I just didn't see myself that way based on how I was leading my life (very type a, goal-oriented, econ major, sga, the whole nine) and it was difficult to reconcile 1-"how could it be possible that I, would be 1 of *inserts whatever percentage* ?" 2- "while how I am approaching things and weighing things align, the shared experiences I'm reading don't seem to" ... fast forward post-burnout or three, a few years of therapy and several mbti tests later (results unwavering) I still wonder if I am actually an infj. I'm not sure if I'm hoping not to be one due to feelings of desiring true belongingness, where i also feel fulfilled by the relationships or skepticism about if i truly am due to it being a much more likely to be an isfj and concerned that I am not seeing myself clearly or if maybe it's difficult to reconcile the weight of what many of my goals require and the misalignment i run into regarding my values... which I'm guessing is a byproduct of 3w4. I have taken the enneagram a few times and have gotten 3w4 and 4w3. more times leaning 3w4, which i completely feel like I identify with.. I just really want to be able to work with mbti/enneagram to assist me with seeing my own blind spots and applying the insights in the best interest of what I'm working towards.... all of this to say, should i get typed professionally?
(sorry if this is kind of long it ended up turning into one long stream of consciousness)
(sorry if this is kind of long it ended up turning into one long stream of consciousness)