614? Really?


Regular Poster
A mutual friend (F) suggested to my close friend (M) that I may be the 614 tritype. According to this resource I found, 614 personality is the following:

18.3‰ of humanity, of whom 58% are feminine and 42% are masculine.

Morally focused, you have strong emotions and are inclined to voice your feelings and intuitions. You care deeply and want to help others improve their lives and the expectations they have of themselves.


  • Avoidance
  • Deduction
  • Inertia
  • Result
  • Faith
  • Accurate
  • Equity
  • Order

Judging by my posts so far on this forum, could this be my possible tritype? I had thought for sure that I may be a 9 first type instead. Is there a way for me to confirm what tritype I am on this forum through certain questionnaires and what not?

As always.. thank you.
What aspects do you agree or disagree with?
What aspects do you agree or disagree with?

I think I can agree with the 6 and the 1, but 4 seems to be reaching. I know this will sound offensive, but I find some 4 people to be irritating in a way that they assert themselves to be more different or unique than they truly are. I find their ways to be tiresome and finical. I was like that at some point too, but then grew out of it once I stopped being an adolescent.
I think I can agree with the 6 and the 1, but 4 seems to be reaching. I know this will sound offensive, but I find some 4 people to be irritating in a way that they assert themselves to be more different or unique than they truly are. I find their ways to be tiresome and finical. I was like that at some point too, but then grew out of it once I stopped being an adolescent.

Could it be that you just reach into the 4 part less because you are emotionally more stable now than before?

And the difference to other 4 types could lie in the differing positions, that they are/were 4-dominant types.

It might also be that you have simply changed and prefer another type in that triad(?).
Could it be that you just reach into the 4 part less because you are emotionally more stable now than before?

Yes. I still have my bad days.

And the difference to other 4 types could lie in the differing positions, that they are/were 4-dominant types.

That is a good possibility. If I am a 4 dominant, perhaps I am the So subtype, which is said to be the "lightest" of all three of this intensive enneagram.

It might also be that you have simply changed and prefer another type in that triad(?).

Can a person's enneagram change throughout his or her life? This is almost like saying someone can change their MBTI type when it's something inborn and developed through life experiences and it stays concrete..
Can a person's enneagram change throughout his or her life? This is almost like saying someone can change their MBTI type when it's something inborn and developed through life experiences and it stays concrete..

I always found the enneagram a bit more malleable, at least in the last slot. The first number is probably never going to change, the second is unlikely, but with the third number of the tritype, why not?

The only number I am actually sure about is the first. I wouldn't even know how to stack them after that. Still looking.
I always found the enneagram a bit more malleable, at least in the last slot. The first number is probably never going to change, the second is unlikely, but with the third number of the tritype, why not?

How did you find out your enneagram triad and instinctual variant (so/sx), if you don't mind me asking?
How did you find out your enneagram triad and instinctual variant (so/sx), if you don't mind me asking?

I didn't, actually. I read some blogs, watched videos, but I am by no means sure about it. I relied mostly on my self-awareness.

Edit: some links

Edit2: this is something I read today, this is how I determined the instinctual subtypes
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I've decided, after a friends suggestion and my own research, that I am the 947 tritype. If anybody has an issue with that.. come find me.
If anybody has an issue with that.. come find me.

Just took the test... I had never taken a tritype test before. I got this:


@Ginny Does that make any sense to you? I guess 5w4 and 4w5 can't be too different.

I can relate to that: "5-3-9: these Fives might strike others as rather pleasant and cooperative persons, but they are usually more ambitious and purposeful than they let on. They are goal-oriented individualists who dream of achieving an impressive and long-lasting success in their field – they secretly desire becoming famous and leaving their mark on the world. These Fives are also more dependent on outer validation than others – they care more about their image and the way others perceive and react to them, therefore they might seem a little more conventional and mainstream in their behavior."
I guess 5w4 and 4w5 can't be too different.

I remembered that I also had mistyped in the beginning as a five instead of a one, so I just looked it up and found a few web pages.

This one has a rather extensive explanantion:

This is shorter, to be found further below, and it's in German (but I think you can switch languages if you want to):

If you google a bit more, you may find other, more detailed differences between those types.
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