I've noticed there are a lot of 6w5 enneagram posters here, myself included.
Is a 6w5 INFJ common?
Have you been able to trust anyone/anything?
Just noticed this thread - I tend to vacillate between whether I'm a 6w5 or 5w6, but these were my results the last time I posted my results on here, about a year ago.
Trust is definitely not easy for me... I don't say this lightly, but I'm not sure there's anyone in my life I trust 100%, not even my closest friends - though there are a couple good friends of mine I trust above and beyond any others. It took a long time to forge that trust though, trials and tribulations endured together, like spending Christmas morning crying and laughing together over the irony of just how terrible everything was during a time when people are supposed to be at their "merriest"... It's hard though. Incredibly hard. Pretty much any time I expose myself or make myself vulnerable, I experience an immediate physical reaction. It varies depending on the scenario/circumstances, but I can get lightheaded, tense, shaky, my breathing and heart rate can change, sometimes I just freeze, and sometimes I have to flee, when I can't take the feeling of vulnerability anymore... and that's only when I'm able to open up and make myself vulnerable altogether, which is a feat unto itself.
I say this with a fair degree of certainty, but trust, or a lack thereof, is possibly the biggest obstacle of all in my life. What keeps me from reaching out, moving forward, allowing myself to more fully connect with people. I
can trust, I know I can, but it's almost like waging war. You have to fight for it. An ex a couple years ago would tell me to just let go, stop thinking so much... But I think the real victory is staying engaged and in the moment, being able to trust with a clear heart and a clear mind. That would be a beautiful thing, something I think I yearn for, but at times fear I can never attain.