
The moment it happened, my immediate response was, Ahhhhh, shit. We did it again.

We already had OKC (bombing of the Murrah building), Waco, Ruby Ridge...

Same playbook, different play.

911 is obvious. If one could ignite a gallon of dispersed kerosene in a wood stove, one would get as much damage. Which is essentially none. The cause of the damage must lie elsewhere.
My personal opinion is that the attack was funded by our petro dollars. This is just one of the national security arguments for weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels.
Truth, with so many speculations, may never be known regarding 9-11.

How do we KNOW the last plane in Pennsylvania wasn't shot down? Over an open field?
How do we KNOW it was the only plane that would not turn around?
We have no undeniable proof it was an inside job.

America took action as fast as anyone could have. One was stopped. If everyone would have been in the loop, we may have stopped three. I do not really think Mossad would have flown over bases, if that happened. They are not stupid. Why would they wish to destroy one of their supporters?

How long before any of you realized we were under attack? The twin towers had been attacked before. This time, it was attacked first so everyone would not think of other targets being attacked.

Maybe 9-11 was payback for something. The "motive" list could be pretty large.

Do you think America is under attack? Some folk believe in "kick 'em when they're down". While America and beaucoup nations are struggling with a virus started in China, China is about to unveil a new economy. Maybe we should focus on that, because the planes are flying.

Since I was asked. 6 months ago I would have said you were nuts. However, a LOT has come to be known. The easy answer for me is I seriously hope you are wrong. My suspicion is you aren't. I have not looked into this but I've read that the airplane that went into the Pentagon left no debris.
I am also not clear EXACTLY how orange man bad did it but thanks to orange man bad a lot of this bullshit came to light.

To further complicate matters if what some of us believe turns out to be true and that the C virus and its vaccine are indeed designed to reduce population, killing a few thousand in plane crashes and 20 year wars are no big deal. As hideously awful as all of that is. That virtually no one official is doing anything to reduce pedophilia raises red flags for me. I am certainly aware that evil exists but, to this potential depth and width is very hard to comprehend.

One isn't paranoid if someone else is trying to do you harm. :-)