A Big Decision That Is Nagging Me

I meant ant in the singular ability sense (know your individualistic limitations).
Of course I know what ants are about, and I agree things aren't accomplished alone.
You don't know me, my ability, or my limitations. You don't know my connections and how there is a freedom in discussing this within this space. I value it and I hope you can find value in speaking with me even when you don't fully know me.

I will respect your perspective and your status within this board but I ask you to be respectful of my position as that is the only thing that makes dialogue in this space valued.
idk why you wanna argue with me when the fact remains I was entirely correct ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not telling you to do or not do anything in particular, just affirming the truth and reality of the situation
Just trying to get you to move into a more realistic actionable state, but I see that's not possible at this time
Best of luck to you 🫡
It's not an argument, it's a dialogue from my perspective. I'm not sure what you think your correct about but go ahead and place yourself on that lofty ivory tower. It suits you well.

If you're not interested in this discussion then I'm ok with that. I'm sure you have plenty of other better options to explore and I encourage you to do just that. You are welcome to engage at any point but please be respectful and try to be supportive.
You don't know me, my ability, or my limitations.

My comment made no assumptions about you personally.
It's a general notion applicable to all humans.
You don't know me either.

If you're not interested in this discussion then I'm ok with that

As a staff member here, I am somewhat protective of the community and whatever narratives arise within it.
I mean you no disrespect, but again I am simply making you aware that it's obvious to myself as well as others that this discussion is nothing but hot air.
It obviously means a great deal to you on some level which is why I've said what I said, to try to bring you to some kind of action rather than spending all your time making bold unprovable claims.
I'm not barring you from doing so, I'm simply shining a light on it and understandably that may be upsetting for you.

So yes, I'm not personally interested and will remain uninterested unless or until you can offer something of greater substance.
That doesn't mean others can't engage in this vague attention getting dialog to nowhereland.
I have nothing against you, in fact I desperately want you to succeed.
I've been working on this new technology for a long time. I started on it many years ago by asking a simple question - why are wicked people in control and what has led to this outcome. As I researched this question I began to get clarity but the strange part is that many of the answers to questions I was researching started to come to me from everywhere. For example, small talk in the elevator would lead to an answer or a song on the radio would be so specific that I couldn't ignore it. People who I didn't know would literally show up at my door with answers. Needless to say, I'm not posting right now about my revelation only providing the context that led me to this moment.

Eventually I was able to fully understand the answer to my question with all of the details on both a macro and micro scale - I don't see this as uncommon for an INFJ. Great, the world has wicked people who are inflicting their will on all of us yet knowing the details really didn't provide any solace. This led me to my next question, one that is actually predictable in retrospect - what can I do to change or fix this problem. Again, the answers began flowing in from everywhere and though I mostly had my answer to the question relatively quickly I was missing some skills that I needed if I was ever going to do anything transformative.

Today I have have the skills and I have the solution, yet I'm faced with a cost that sunk me in quicksand. The cost isn't monetary, in fact it costs very little money. The cost pertains to people and how making a change with such magnitude can create undetermined outcomes. If I give this "gift" or "curse" to the world, how would people use it and given that people have become so traumatized (through generational war and poor leadership) would they introduce tremendous chaos and destruction OR would they transform collectively?

A good analogy is one of nuclear energy. The scientist created it and then it was turned into a way to destroy so many people. This is unacceptable.

The technology I have created is quite simple but very powerful. I feel as though the only reason I have it is because I was led to this point by a higher power and so in some regards I feel a responsibility to continue moving forward. In contrast, I don't trust people to behave morally, virtuous, or with good ethics given the state of everything everywhere. That made me ask a few questions:

1. Do I really have the choice if it was given to me by a higher power?
2. If I choose yes and everything goes terribly bad is it ok because the foresight of the supernatural can see that which we cannot see?
3. If I choose not to proceed am I giving into a widespread fear that has been created globally and is it ok to allow that type of behavior to go unchecked?
4. If I choose to proceed and the wicked power uses this tech in junction with AI could that set us as a people back a thousand or more years?

I'm sure I am leaving out other questions but each of those questions is a heavy load individually.

It's a bit like choosing between fighting a war or trying to ignore it? If you fight then people will die, If you don't fight then your life will never overcome the wicked. There is no GOOD answer and that is why I'm asking YOU. I know the INFJ because I've developed along a lifeline that has been challenging yet rewarding. I'm posting here because I want your feedback. Because each of you has foresight with value and wisdom that collectively exceeds anything I could possibly derive on my own.

One last option: I can release this technology on a small scale in a place that is somewhat hidden and protected. I know that this is only delaying everything because people would eventually leak it and I wouldn't know when, how, or to what end that would result.

What would you do?
It depends on the main purpose of the technology you are talking about;

The inventor and/or the developer of a basically good and beneficial technology is NOT responsible for how the user is using that. Because we can not control others, and there are many people out there with evil thoughts that can do crimes even with the most useful things that one may imagine ...

On the other hand, if the given technology is basically devastating and an enemy of human beings, the inventor and/or the developer is definitely responsible.
Like weapons (of any kind - mechanical or biological); those who created these tools are definitely responsible for everyone who is killed as a result, because these tools are made to kill and there is no excuse ...
You don't know me either.
Don't make that assumption.
As a staff member here, I am somewhat protective of the community and whatever narratives arise within it.
I mean you no disrespect, but again I am simply making you aware that it's obvious to myself as well as others that this discussion is nothing but hot air.
That is an assumption, and an opinion. Please speak for yourself and not others as I can only speak to the conversation within the thread not something that is discussed behind closed doors.
It obviously means a great deal to you on some level which is why I've said what I said, to try to bring you to some kind of action rather than spending all your time making bold unprovable claims.
I'm not barring you from doing so, I'm simply shining a light on it and understandably that may be upsetting for you.
Yes, it's important to me. I do not be wish to be made actionable by anyone. That feels like manipulation.

I'm not trying to prove anything to you. I have been direct and honest. Being supportive or discouraging is a choice.

I'm not upset, I expected it from you.
So yes, I'm not personally interested and will remain uninterested unless or until you can offer something of greater substance.
That doesn't mean others can't engage in this vague attention getting dialog to nowhereland.
I have nothing against you, in fact I desperately want you to succeed.
You will not gain any specifics about my technology. If that disappoints you then it is just the reality of the situation. I hope you change your mind and we can find a common ground about something I find to be very important and valuable.

Thank you for the few kind words you offered.
Let me know if you find the episode, I'm interested given that knowledge often comes from the most obscure places.
I think after a couple searches that it may have been Final Exam - about a college dropout that develops Cold Fusion and keeps describing how simple it is. There was an element of nihilism to it and the kid is clearly unhinged, but the bit that I remember was the twist at the end - an entirely different student answering a test question about how Cold Fusion isn't possible gets up and leaves class abruptly. I'd probably have to watch the entire episode again to understand. I think at one point he indicated that anyone could build the same in their garage for practically no monetary cost, but may still be confusing it with another episode. The entire Outer Limits series was always enjoyably thought-provoking.

I mean you no disrespect, but again I am simply making you aware that it's obvious to myself as well as others that this discussion is nothing but hot air.
Even if only a hypothetical thought experiment (I'm making no assumptions one way or another), it was interesting to ponder over for a bit today.
It depends on the main purpose of the technology you are talking about;

The inventor and/or the developer of a basically good and beneficial technology is NOT responsible for how the user is using that. Because we can not control others, and there are many people out there with evil thoughts that can do crimes even with the most useful things that one may imagine ...

On the other hand, if the given technology is basically devastating and an enemy of human beings, the inventor and/or the developer is definitely responsible.
Like weapons (of any kind - mechanical or biological); those who created these tools are definitely responsible for everyone who is killed as a result, because these tools are made to kill and there is no excuse ...
The tech creates energy from the ZeroPoint. It can be used to do anything better in every aspect of the world. Imagine a world where the cost of energy is near zero. The only cost is maintenance which is low considering the price point of creation.

It is not a weapon by intent but it's potential could be used to create good or bad depending on the intent of it's use. For example, AI could be placed within an android or drone and then given this technology that would let it operate indefinitely. AI is not a weapon but it could be used as one. The potential for use with this technology has very little limitation.
Don't make that assumption.

You made it first lmfao wtf

The cryptic nature of this question makes it unclear what you're even trying to do. Remove unspecified group of wicked people; and then what? Someone else is just going to take that place. The assumption that people are generally good is mistaken. Simply having good intentions is misleading, as they assume that we know what is good. St. Paul has put it plainly: "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."

Trying to effect lasting change through external means always sounds like the first step to some technocratic nightmare. The fact that you keep unironically saying "the masses" as if you're trying to somehow qualitatively distance yourself from your neighbor doesn't inspire confidence to the contrary either; not saying that's what you want, but that's how it comes off.

Even if you have been led providentially by some higher power, that doesn't say much; plenty of malevolent higher powers out there that act upon us daily. My choice would be to focus on my own humility and tenderness of the heart and trying to be helpful on a day to day basis instead of some grandiose cleansing of evil. When you're able to be moved to tears even thinking about the well-being of your enemies, then you might be in a position of true discernment.
The tech creates energy from the ZeroPoint. It can be used to do anything better in every aspect of the world. Imagine a world where the cost of energy is near zero. The only cost is maintenance which is low considering the price point of creation.
Well that is great ... Go ahead and introduce it to the world ... The depleting sources of energy is a big problem today and if you can solve it you have made a huge contribution to the human life ... Do not be concern if the user use it or abuse it ... it is not your responsibility ... Good luck 🤞
I think after a couple searches that it may have been Final Exam - about a college dropout that develops Cold Fusion and keeps describing how simple it is. There was an element of nihilism to it and the kid is clearly unhinged, but the bit that I remember was the twist at the end - an entirely different student answering a test question about how Cold Fusion isn't possible gets up and leaves class abruptly. I'd probably have to watch the entire episode again to understand. I think at one point he indicated that anyone could build the same in their garage for practically no monetary cost, but may still be confusing it with another episode. The entire Outer Limits series was always enjoyably thought-provoking.

Even if only a hypothetical thought experiment (I'm making no assumptions one way or another), it was interesting to ponder over for a bit today.
Thank you for the response. I will check it out later today.

I can't imagine being a nihilist, it's so depressing.

Thank you for being supportive. It's not a thought experiment over here but I can see how it would be seen in that manner without having all the information. There are limitations to what I can and cannot say and if that brands me in some kind of negative spotlight then perhaps I am wrong about this space.
The cryptic nature of this question makes it unclear what you're even trying to do. Remove unspecified group of wicked people; and then what? Someone else is just going to take that place. The assumption that people are generally good is mistaken. Simply having good intentions is misleading, as they assume that we know what is good. St. Paul has put it plainly: "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."

Trying to effect lasting change through external means always sounds like the first step to some technocratic nightmare. The fact that you keep unironically saying "the masses" as if you're trying to somehow qualitatively distance yourself from your neighbor doesn't inspire confidence to the contrary either; not saying that's what you want, but that's how it comes off.

Even if you have been led providentially by some higher power, that doesn't say much; plenty of malevolent higher powers out there that act upon us daily. My choice would be to focus on my own humility and tenderness of the heart and trying to be helpful on a day to day basis instead of some grandiose cleansing of evil. When you're able to be moved to tears even thinking about the well-being of your enemies, then you might be in a position of true discernment.
Nice post. I'm not interesting in harming anyone. Not even my enemies. In fact, I want to help everyone and to create a balance and equilibrium that is much less oppressive than what we currently experience. The wicked of which I speak has repeatedly prevented this technology from being released to the world and I find that both unfortunate and sad.

I include myself in the "masses," I just use that as a way to describe the collectively oppressed.

I have considered that the higher power could in fact be malevolent but I don't believe that to be the case. No harm has come to me and everything I've asked for has come to me except for how to proceed. I think that's why I'm reaching out to this group because I need to talk with people who can collectively have a broader scope. A material scope that is separate from the supernatural.

So, tell me what you know about malevolent supernatural forces and perhaps that will provide some level of insight.
I've been working on this new technology for a long time. I started on it many years ago by asking a simple question - why are wicked people in control and what has led to this outcome. As I researched this question I began to get clarity but the strange part is that many of the answers to questions I was researching started to come to me from everywhere. For example, small talk in the elevator would lead to an answer or a song on the radio would be so specific that I couldn't ignore it. People who I didn't know would literally show up at my door with answers. Needless to say, I'm not posting right now about my revelation only providing the context that led me to this moment.

Eventually I was able to fully understand the answer to my question with all of the details on both a macro and micro scale - I don't see this as uncommon for an INFJ. Great, the world has wicked people who are inflicting their will on all of us yet knowing the details really didn't provide any solace. This led me to my next question, one that is actually predictable in retrospect - what can I do to change or fix this problem. Again, the answers began flowing in from everywhere and though I mostly had my answer to the question relatively quickly I was missing some skills that I needed if I was ever going to do anything transformative.

Today I have have the skills and I have the solution, yet I'm faced with a cost that sunk me in quicksand. The cost isn't monetary, in fact it costs very little money. The cost pertains to people and how making a change with such magnitude can create undetermined outcomes. If I give this "gift" or "curse" to the world, how would people use it and given that people have become so traumatized (through generational war and poor leadership) would they introduce tremendous chaos and destruction OR would they transform collectively?

A good analogy is one of nuclear energy. The scientist created it and then it was turned into a way to destroy so many people. This is unacceptable.

The technology I have created is quite simple but very powerful. I feel as though the only reason I have it is because I was led to this point by a higher power and so in some regards I feel a responsibility to continue moving forward. In contrast, I don't trust people to behave morally, virtuous, or with good ethics given the state of everything everywhere. That made me ask a few questions:

1. Do I really have the choice if it was given to me by a higher power?
2. If I choose yes and everything goes terribly bad is it ok because the foresight of the supernatural can see that which we cannot see?
3. If I choose not to proceed am I giving into a widespread fear that has been created globally and is it ok to allow that type of behavior to go unchecked?
4. If I choose to proceed and the wicked power uses this tech in junction with AI could that set us as a people back a thousand or more years?

I'm sure I am leaving out other questions but each of those questions is a heavy load individually.

It's a bit like choosing between fighting a war or trying to ignore it? If you fight then people will die, If you don't fight then your life will never overcome the wicked. There is no GOOD answer and that is why I'm asking YOU. I know the INFJ because I've developed along a lifeline that has been challenging yet rewarding. I'm posting here because I want your feedback. Because each of you has foresight with value and wisdom that collectively exceeds anything I could possibly derive on my own.

One last option: I can release this technology on a small scale in a place that is somewhat hidden and protected. I know that this is only delaying everything because people would eventually leak it and I wouldn't know when, how, or to what end that would result.

What would you do?
I urge you to release your technology to the world. I suggest this with full awareness of lurking, evil, abiding self-interests of others who will undoubtedly embark on exploiting this innovation at the expense of others. Often, with all innovation, this is a primary inclination of many.

That said, greater good often takes longer to assemble. Greater good often has to overcome the impediments ofthe concentrated wealthy, those who are self-interested at the expense of the greater good, that is. It is then that your gift goes from labor pain to fruitful birth.

I trust from your depiction of your journey, that insight informs you to release this, but that mistrust, quite justifiable indeed, gives your great pause. I am deeply moved by your ability to connect your vision to an actionable outcome of such magnitude, few achieve this. Please trust that your peers and many quieter people have your back in this society and that of the greater good. Eventually, as transparency reaches the surface of your innovation, and voices of reason begin to echo in the body, minds and souls of the informed, your gift will serve humanity well. Peace.
I urge you to release your technology to the world. I suggest this with full awareness of lurking, evil, abiding self-interests of others who will undoubtedly embark on exploiting this innovation at the expense of others. Often, with all innovation, this is a primary inclination of many.
It's not just the wealthy, wicked, selfish that concern me. The oppressed are equally dangerous. Our world has been fleeced over the last few years and I have no doubt that there are many that would be interested in destroying the lives of others over what has been lost or taken.

Does the harm caused to them justify their feeling of rage and anger? Probably yes.
Does it justify destroying others? Not from my perspective.
Would I be destroyed to prevent people from having this technology? Most likely.

This dialogue has demonstrated a concern for the evil and that compassion should be extended. I have always had empathy for everyone but that level of condemnation and destruction does not set well with me. Yet I can't continue to sit on my hands because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
That said, greater good often takes longer to assemble. Greater good often has to overcome the impediments of the concentrated wealthy, those who are self-interested at the expense of the greater good, that is. It is then that your gift goes from labor pain to fruitful birth.
If I release it into the wild in a manner that is random and distributed then I feel that the technology will be used in a manner that is destructive. Those that seek power will use it to take power and there will be collateral damage. The powerful people in this world want to maintain the status quo at all cost and they already have the power to impose their will.
I trust from your depiction of your journey, that insight informs you to release this, but that mistrust, quite justifiable indeed, gives your great pause. I am deeply moved by your ability to connect your vision to an actionable outcome of such magnitude, few achieve this. Please trust that your peers and many quieter people have your back in this society and that of the greater good. Eventually, as transparency reaches the surface of your innovation, and voices of reason begin to echo in the body, minds and souls of the informed, your gift will serve humanity well. Peace.
Yes. Though I have an actionable plan already it isn't without potentially serious drawbacks. I know there are good people in the world that value sacrifice and would seek to help in many ways, I hesitate to allow that out of concern for their own well being. I'm looking at a way to use multiple groups of people that have much to gain and will keep each other in check. I know the primary players and I know some of their strengths and weaknesses.

When I talk to INFJ's I often hope that I can pool a group to help me carry that weight. People who understand both systems of technology and systems of people. The INTJ's are usually best when having a vision pertaining to technology but it has been said that many lack a good moral compass and that can be a problem. The INFJ's are good when it comes people and groups and generally want a favorable ideal to result (myself included). The INTJ's are easier to find because they are often well established and are visible. The INFJ's of the world are difficult to find and have generally had much more difficult lives. I'm not even sure that these two personalities could work together without an exceptional leader.

As I approach my destination, I'd like to have a group of oversight that sets direction that is disconnected from those that are seeking significant gain. I know this will remove bias from decisions but will be resented by those that simply want what they want. The last thing I want is for stockholders to dictate decisions based on profit since that seems to be the downfall of morality within corporate culture.

So, that has led me to start having some discussion about how to create a new cultural paradigm. One that can continue forward after I have left this big blue rock. I don't expect it will last forever but I can hope that it will last as long as it can to those that need it most.

Thank you for your post. It sounds like we want the same thing it's just the manner in which we get there that has to be delicately orchestrated such that nobody is destroyed for greed and power. I'm not ready to leave this earth just yet but who or what is to say that I truly have any control in that capacity.
@TomasM I hope your technology is not exploiting zero point vacuum energy to it's absolute zero point. If you could do that it could trigger a chain reaction that would obliterate the whole universe in a wave of destruction spreading out unstoppably at the speed of light from your device. Even if you build safeguards into it others could perhaps modify it into such a doomsday beast, and some idiot would be bound to try.

My feeling is that there is no point in holding back if you have discovered something that would revolutionise the world's energy supply (but without destroying all of space and time of course). If it's something that can be demonstrated in your garage then others will be close to the same discovery as you, and at least some of those others will have far less scruples than you about the social consequences. If this is at the core of what you are asking then:

But you are expecting your intervention would lead to the removal of what you consider to be the evil people from world leadership. An unlimited free energy device won't do this by itself - as others have said, any technology can be used by humans for both good and evil. I can imagine some folks would be more capable of exploiting it than others and would become an alternate set of possibly evil leaders. Even worse, it could well be that you would release a technology that could be set up in a garage which could be practically unlimited in the energy it accesses - that would be like nuclear reactions being possible in someone's living room, and all the nutters out there would maybe try to create megaton energy explosions with it, or release something like the fiendfyre in Harry Potter.

On the other hand, if your technology had more ramifications than the simply physical then there are other things to consider. If for example it was a technology that could also directly alter the way people think without any volition from them then it would be intrinsically evil in my book, because that freedom of will we possess is what lies at the very root of our humanity. To remove it is a very great wrong and is at the heart of tyranny.

Just one other thought - I'm assuming that you have actually built a device that demonstrates the validity of your idea in practical terms. Far-fetched claims need extraordinary evidence and a verification or falsification of your idea is at the heart of good science and technology. Not only the theory needs verifying, but so does the technology - for instance interstellar warp drives are theoretically quite possible, but are totally impractical at the present time. I am of course very skeptical that you have a way of constructing a device such as you are claiming - I don't mean I disbelieve it, but that it remains an unproven claim until you demonstrate otherwise. All moral and logistic concerns are secondary to this because it becomes a science fiction thought experiment if the idea simply doesn't work (or destroys the universe LOL!).

I've probably rambled on enough now - hopefully these thoughts will give you something to work with.
I hope your technology is not exploiting zero point vacuum energy to it's absolute zero point. If you could do that it could trigger a chain reaction that would obliterate the whole universe in a wave of destruction spreading out unstoppably at the speed of light from your device. Even if you build safeguards into it others could perhaps modify it into such a doomsday beast, and some idiot would be bound to try.
It operates at room temperature but I have considered introducing cold temperatures (not Absolute Zero) and a vacuum. I've never seen anyone achieve absolute zero in temperature as it requires a escalating amount of energy to attain that. There could be new discoveries I haven't seen with respect to AZ but I haven't gone down that road yet. Colder temperatures are valuable because it introduces super conductivity to the equation and that is essential as energy increases. For example, if I were to use copper to extract the energy then as the current increases the heat in the copper increases and will eventually melt - this would essentially turn off the extraction.

There are lots of options and science that can be used for siphoning off the energy but at present I'm keeping it at lower levels and confining it to smaller applications (motors, houses, small industrial).
My feeling is that there is no point in holding back if you have discovered something that would revolutionise the world's energy supply (but without destroying all of space and time of course). If it's something that can be demonstrated in your garage then others will be close to the same discovery as you, and at least some of those others will have far less scruples than you about the social consequences. If this is at the core of what you are asking then:
What other people have done is speculation. Anything is possible.

It's a poker game. If someone else has discovered it, and I expect the MIC has, then there is no incentive for them to release it to the public. The energy created can be utilized to monopolize every industry because the cost to operate would always be lower than their competition. They could start with the industries that increase cash flow and then move into other industries with higher operating cost. The only reason to introduce it to the public would be if someone else introduced it and even then it's only if your competition (who showed their hand) is performing better than you.

If the MIC is already using it in junction with AI, and we know the pentagon has already started down the path of AI, then the development times will be decreasing exponentially.

Who has access to this technology is speculative on my part but the pentagon is denying or evading questions. Of course the MIC can do whatever it wants in the private sector and the government can maintain plausible deniability.
But you are expecting your intervention would lead to the removal of what you consider to be the evil people from world leadership. An unlimited free energy device won't do this by itself - as others have said, any technology can be used by humans for both good and evil. I can imagine some folks would be more capable of exploiting it than others and would become an alternate set of possibly evil leaders. Even worse, it could well be that you would release a technology that could be set up in a garage which could be practically unlimited in the energy it accesses - that would be like nuclear reactions being possible in someone's living room, and all the nutters out there would maybe try to create megaton energy explosions with it, or release something like the fiendfyre in Harry Potter.
The problem I have with the wicked is that they have being preventing this type of technology from being available to everyone. They want to maintain the status quo because it benefits them. Why allow it get out when they can tell you no, take your shit, and then get rid of you so that it never surfaces again.

I don't believe this type of energy source would "remove" evil people from world leadership, but I do believe the introduction of this technology to everyone would level the playing field, remove fear from competitors, and create a balance to the power structures. There are some leaders / countries that would start attacking immediately and there are also people who would pool together to specifically start trying to remove those that are using governmental power to create unfair economic conditions. How far people and countries would go is limited to the risk-reward they are willing to assume.

My tech is not explosive; however, I'd have to look into your ZP claims and avoid that if it actually does what you say. I don't see that as being a problem.

I'm an engineer by trade and not a scientist.
On the other hand, if your technology had more ramifications than the simply physical then there are other things to consider. If for example it was a technology that could also directly alter the way people think without any volition from them then it would be intrinsically evil in my book, because that freedom of will we possess is what lies at the very root of our humanity. To remove it is a very great wrong and is at the heart of tyranny.
No mind control has been attempted or observed. Of course, energy can be used to alter thought so that would be an application of energy and only secondary to the creation of it.
Just one other thought - I'm assuming that you have actually built a device that demonstrates the validity of your idea in practical terms. Far-fetched claims need extraordinary evidence and a verification or falsification of your idea is at the heart of good science and technology. Not only the theory needs verifying, but so does the technology - for instance interstellar warp drives are theoretically quite possible, but are totally impractical at the present time. I am of course very skeptical that you have a way of constructing a device such as you are claiming - I don't mean I disbelieve it, but that it remains an unproven claim until you demonstrate otherwise. All moral and logistic concerns are secondary to this because it becomes a science fiction thought experiment if the idea simply doesn't work (or destroys the universe LOL!).

I've probably rambled on enough now - hopefully these thoughts will give you something to work with.
I wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't working - that would be pointless.

Again, its a poker match so there is no point to publication, and verification. Plenty of people have attempted to patent similar solutions and the patent office is not working in an inventors favor. For example, if a patent is filed in the US then everything has to be disclosed and verified. At the same time the government will have full access to the details to use for their own pursuits while the patent office decides if they want to allow anyone to make an actual claim. The patent office is a sketchy place. Similarly, China and other countries that don't observe any intellectual property rights (except their own) will gain access to patents immediately and start using it in any way they see fit.

I get what your saying when it comes to proving the science but I honestly don't see a benefit to proving anything to anyone because there is only a downside to doing it.

The only thing that logically makes sense is to use the tech to grow the economics and then use the economics to create a culture that changes the existing paradigm. Like I've said, I have a pathway to achieve this but it has drawbacks which have to be checked and balanced - this is a social issue and not one of a technical nature. The good news is that nobody trusts the existing governments and social systems these days and the people have desired change for decades.