a challenge for our MBTI gurus

I started to see computer jagon and instantly closed the window (I HATE computer language stuff). Based on that I would say INTP, but I did not read any of the content, so I certainly made a huge assupmption which very likely is wrong.
Most definitely not INTP.

Probably INTJ. It is hard to tell off that blog because it is clearly written for a technical audience, and thus is intentionally written to be overly logical and precise. Could be an INFJ trying to look logical for the crowd the blog is targeting though. There are a few things that make me go hm... Why do you ask?
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You guys are way too quick to assume INTP, It is very likely this guy is an INFJ with really well developed Ti, which are often quickly assumed to be INTP. Ni with Strong Ti is actually an extremely powerful mix for a programmer or hacker, which is why quick a few of them are in fact INFJs.

Anyway, I won't give an answer until someone posts a video of this guy that I can examine.
hehe, I thought INTP too

He is someone who liked my profile on a dating site and would like to meet me.
I'm flattered that he liked my profile in which I stated that I liked to look behind the conventional, going to a deeper level, to bring what I feel into a creation, dreaming, ... so I thought maybe he likes to do these things too, cool. But then again, programming is his hobby, work and passion, I already got a very detailed technical explanation about the programming of a microscope and the minute I saw his blog I thought ... :shocked: o my ... an INTP???

:becky: Can INFJ's really be so passionate about programming?
Hmm...actually..I really don't get an INTP vibe from him. The writing seems similar to countless INTJs that I know when they are discussing programming, but it could also be an INFJ I suppose.
what is the difference between an INTP and INTJ vibe?

The way that the articles are written seem to all flow from point to point relatively easy, the blogger does not get off topic often , and the examples provided (from my basic ability to program) seem to focus on a specific situation, but not a specific circumstance (It's an example but it demonstrates how the code could be used in a different situation.) He has a few moments that seem to be Ne based (Such as talking about "what if" in the first current post) but he didn't really extrapolate upon his idea which makes me think that might have been a Ni process. He also seems to put a tad bit more focus on being practical in the essence that he doesn't often state that you should complete start over with a program, just clean out the problem and perhaps make it more efficient. There are a few other things but he seems like an INTJ, Young intps tend to do the opposite of quite a few things I listed above (but I may be wrong)
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No guru here just an innocent opinion. ;) His writing uses pretty good Fe. He thinks about the audience and writes so that his explanations are understandable. He seems like INTP (i think).
so, um, I looked at his code to determine his MBTI... :P He's INTJ. his code is very concise, and, frankly, he sound one hell of a lot like @WaeV:
:becky: Can INFJ's really be so passionate about programming?

I am if not more so. However, INFJ programmers are excessively rare. I don't get the afraid to make decisions wafting that I usually see from INTP programmers from him. So either INTJ or INFJ. And there are not enough non-programming entries to make a decision either way.

However, he thinks from the perspective of the group (Fe) far more then any INTJ programmer I know. So I think it is likely that you should not worry too much about what type he is. Give it at least one try.

Also for your further stalking pleasure: http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/WhatIsTracker and http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/ for a description of the software he works on.

Let us know how the date goes now that we are all curious.
I made the assumption that the mind of an INTP would be inclined to write some form of spaghetti code. I saw none, and so went INTJ.
I wouldn't try typing people over the internet until you've had some sort of chat and a decent amount of material across several subjects to work with.

However, you could narrow some possibilities...we can see that whoever it is, they do have a fairly strong and capable T function. I would also lean more towards an introverted individual, judging on the type of language, and also an N-type, based on the nature of his/her subject matter. So, INTP or INTJ would both be very plausible. However, ENTJ is also very likely, and even an INFJ with a strong Ti might be the owner as well.
As an older INTP, one thing I would like to point out is that true professionals transcend their personality limitations in their work if they are competent and want to keep working. Thus, even though I can be a real ditz-brain in life (as in, "Earth to Norton"), and I'm quite a "P," I am very good at planning, managing, and implementing engineering projects as well as writing technical proposals and even doing the very "SJ" kinds of things that engineers often have to do (e.g., nitpicking, detailed documentation). I'm good at these things because they are important, I understand why they're important, and I have seen how not doing them leads to failure. It's very interesting how doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other professionals are trained to transcend their natural tendencies. Thus, they know what needs to be known and do what needs to be done. It may be that a true professional is a person whose personality only enhances his or her performance.

If this guy's blog is for fellow coders, and he is any good (he seems to be), it is likely that his personality is unknowable from his text. Adequately trained, he could be anything.
I am if not more so. However, INFJ programmers are excessively rare. I don't get the afraid to make decisions wafting that I usually see from INTP programmers from him. So either INTJ or INFJ. And there are not enough non-programming entries to make a decision either way.

However, he thinks from the perspective of the group (Fe) far more then any INTJ programmer I know. So I think it is likely that you should not worry too much about what type he is. Give it at least one try.

Also for your further stalking pleasure: http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/WhatIsTracker and http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/ for a description of the software he works on.

Let us know how the date goes now that we are all curious.

Hehe, so you are calling me a stalker ?? He has given me his blog on a golden plate since he linked me to some pictures on that same webpage to show off his knowledge of microscopes :w:

edit: I already found his address and phone number just by googling his name, I guess I'm a stalker after all, lol!

I'm not so much of a software person, I like it to the point that it is useful and doesn't ask to much of brain effort to use it :D

going through his blog, I don't get the INTP vibe either, he writes very organized and is very opiniated. I would also go for INTJ rather than INFJ since his opinions on non-software topics mostly based on logical conclusions rather then values and when people attack him on his opinions, he attack them using logic instead of aknowledging there position/values...

I'll certainly give it a try and I'll let you know my findings lol :becky:
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Sorry NV, doesn't sound like me to me. It could very well be INTP. It's extremely detached, concise, and impersonal. The writing is precise enough, but it still has to be "translated" into my mind. To be honest, I find it quite difficult to read. Whereas I see myself as focusing on the ideas upon which events hinge and elaborating with numerous metaphors, this writer seems to write concise summaries of his actions and logical processes. Not that this precludes the author from being INTJ, it just precludes him from being me.