A Complaint about Complainers Who Complain About Complaining

I encourage everyone to vent, but remember if you are venting about someone, try and find the positive in it. Maybe it made them feel better, maybe their complaints were dead on, etc. The idea is to prevent harmful judgments of others and to work on positive solutions or traits.

Pushing the envelope... if you're able to widen the accepted area of debate then the center ground changes position. Changing the frame is even better, although people tend to be more resistant to this.
Pushing the envelope... if you're able to widen the accepted area of debate then the center ground changes position. Changing the frame is even better, although people tend to be more resistant to this.

Cool counter metaphor, but fence sitters will by nature will adjust with and take advantage of this change I would think he may argue.

However, being a fence sitter myself I am not sure any one extreme is good. Sometimes you gotta sit on the fence and sometimes you gotta make a choice (or is that statement fence sitting in of itself, man this thread is confusing ;).
Pushing the envelope... if you're able to widen the accepted area of debate then the center ground changes position. Changing the frame is even better, although people tend to be more resistant to this.

Ah, so you are saying the extremists have the power of going even more extreme!

I suppose that explains groups like Westboro Baptist Church.
I could be even more extremist than the Westboro lot.

I could have them standing back in awe at my Vitriol.