Facism = National Socialism. It's all about confiscating the wealth/jobs/industry the majority hate and redistributing it to the 'nationals'. Observe Germany, Italy and Spain in WW2 or many countries in the middle east today; learn your history!
My history is fine
Mussolini the fascist leader of Italy during WWII said the following:
''Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of corporate and government power''
So there you have it Jim, straight from the horses mouth so to speak
The real problem here is with
centralised power. It seems you don't want to be controlled by a domineering authority and neither do i, so we have that in common (is that fair?)
When there is centralised power there is corruption and exploitation
So as power centralises whether it is in a 'capitalist' or a 'socialist' state then it becomes more authoritarian, more totalitarian (ie wanting to control more and more aspects of our lives)
So there are libertarian capitalists who are saying that the UK and US has become 'state capitalist' because the corporations (including the bankers) have basically merged with government. Look at the heavy sentences handed out for poor people who stole small items like bottles of water during the riots last year and then ask yourself how many bankers have been jailed for the LIBOR scandal and how many MP's were jailed for the expenses scandal and how many police have been jailed for the News of the World phone hacking scandal?
The truth is that the crimes being committed at the top of our society are BIG crimes involving huge sums of money, but no one gets jailed for them because of the corruption and because at the top of society there is basically a corporate mafia who fund the politicians and then give the politicians jobs i their corporations when they leave politics
So the libertarian capitalists like Ron Paul are right in saying that the corporations have formed large monopolies that are now steering national policy but i just don't agree with their solution which is anarcho-capitalism because i think large power blocks would still form under that system and would probably form huge private armies whcih they would use against other groups (they'd probably call these 'private defence contractors' initially until they sought more authority from their power in which case they would then create a government to enforce their power!)
So i agree with the libertarian capitalists in their diagnosis but not in their solution. Instead i agree with the libertarian socialists who like the libertarian capitalists are wary of government.
So i guess my isssue with your post is with your use of the word socialism because although the nazis called themselves 'nationalist socialists' they were not real socialists in the same way that the current merger of government and corporations (into a 'corporatocracy') is arguably not real capitalism
True socialism is when the workers control the means of production but nazi germany was centrally controlled by a totalitarian government
And thats always been the problem for peoples claiming to be seeking 'communism' is that they never reach a proper state of communism....they always get stuck with a centralised dictatorship
The project keeps failing, but lessons are being learned and success will finally come when we can work around the problem of centralised power