A question about INFJ comm cutoff

As a matter of fact, I was going to suggest that we go see a movie if she seemed a bit uncomfortable today. Are movies mindless enough? Depends on the movie I guess.

I don't see anything wrong with trying to avoid another "disaster".
I mean, she likes movies, I like movies.. We both like movies.. We both haven't been to the movies lately.. Sounds like a good plan B to me.
A good plan A, even, but not today. Most probably. :)

Movies are good, live music is good, going out dancing is good. Spend face to face time where you can't really talk too deeply. but time when you get to become comfortable with each other as more than text on a page. Let that part catch up with the rest first, not so much that y'all start saying "I don't know why we don't talk anymore", but enough to bring it into balance.
Oh come on, how can you know that? Sharing so many intimate things with someone on the net creates a lot of expectations when you finally do meet face-to-face. So unless she's someone who's learned to cope with the stress of that particular context it's quite possible for her to be such a bundle of nerves she completely shuts down.

Wouldn't be the first time that stress/expectations/anxiety/nerves caused an INFJ to withdraw into their private little world after all.

I agree completely, and I have been guilty of being that bundle of nerves and shutting down after revealing deep feelings. Seeing them in person made me realize how much I actually revealed. To me the power of that was a little overwhelming, but when it caught up with me I accepted it and moved forward.
I think that if you truly want to get to know someone, you sould be upfront and honest. And if some of the questions are a bit deep, that doesn't make it an exception. So yes, I would be intimate right away. I'm not sure why she acted that way with you. Perhaps she was just really nervous?