A Question of Suggestion; Mind Digestion.

No dear, I am not. Ask Phantom
Ask me what? As for where I live, I’m a phantom reaper and go where I am needed.
It looks like all of you are assuming you exist. Let us pretend for instance that @Lurk is God partaking in human existence. There is no reason for God to churn out all the calculations needed for past, present, and future for Lurk to perceive the human experience when He/She could merely generate what is needed on the fly. Is it really so hard to imagine that only the present exists? What if no one is God but the you experiences life spontaneously generated by God? That would make your life duet played by you and God- that would make it deeply intimate. I suppose that is another thread.

Ask me what? As for where I live, I’m a phantom reaper and go where I am needed.
That was rhetorical.
What if God was one of us?