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This is an article criticizing public healthcare options for being too expensive. Can you find any flaws in it? That American healthcare spending is waaaayyyy above other developed countries is one.
That’s because it’s still taking the cost of consumer gouging into account.
Just like we pay 100x what someone in another country pays for medication...from the same manufacturer and everything.
Same with the cost for x-rays, blood work, seeing a specialist, etc.
You have to remove the for-profit parts of the equation to make it affordable and fair for all.
While we still lean on some BS out of control, price gouging, system...prices will still rise and it will become more and more expensive.
Free market policies do not, and should not, apply to something such as healthcare...we are not cattle, we are not consumers, we are not piggy-banks, we are not even the customers of the hospitals and the rest...we are humans who will at some time will need healthcare services at some point in their lifetime...some more than others unfortunately...we should not have a system that then bankrupts a person almost as a punishment for being sick.
Number one reason for bankruptcies in the US - medical bills.
How is this any different than war profiteering?
You are making money off the sick, ill, dying, and most vulnerable...with little to no regard, certainly not caring that you are indenturing them monetarily for life (btw, the root of “mortgage” is “mort” which is Latin for “death” other words - you are in debt till death.).
I think it is past high time that the people of this country stand up for a public option, for universal healthcare.
Our unregulated “free market” is killing people and bankrupting’s idiotic.
Everyone is so scared of “socialized medicine”...ugh, the evil “socialism” word...give people the option to choose.
Hold a national vote.
At least give them the option and then see what happens....then if you feel your public insurance is not good enough you can purchase private rider plans to give you more perks than what should already be protected - the supposed “essential benefits” that the GOP just destroyed, which included things like lifetime limits and pre-existing conditions...yeah, really fucking great plan.
Congressional dumbasses had almost a decade to craft a plan that would be better than the ACA....and then when it’s time to deliver...the bill they gave the American people actually kills more people....brilliant!
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