This is the argument I posted to the INTJ forum, and I think it holds true here.
I support abortion in 100% of cases in which the pregnant woman wants an abortion for the following reasons:
1) How the woman got pregnant is irrelevant. Obviously, rape is terrible and incest can cause birth defects, but birth defects can also be caused by the mother and father both carrying a recessive gene for a birth defect. Eeven if a woman knowingly and consensually had sex without birth control, abortion is her decision. We do not inflict pregnancy as a punishment on a woman for not following other people's rather Victorian values regarding sex and procreation. Pregnancy causes infants. Babies shouldn't be born simply because "it was the woman's fault." The point of pregnancy is that the woman wants to have a baby, not carry through the pregnancy.
2) Whether or not a fetus is a person is more of a philosophical question than a medical one. However, the evidence is in and guess what-- women are definitely people. As such, they have control over their bodies and if they don't want to go through with nine months of invasive physical and emotional difficulty that culminates in extremely painful labour and life-lasting medical side effects, that I think they have the option not to do that. Remember, fetuses don't live in incubators, they live in women. Women are people. What if the fetus is female? Then, does it matter whether we abort her or not? After all, she might die from the medical hazards involved in carrying on her own forced pregnancy.
3) With all due respect, no, the father does not have a say in this. Abortions are risky, so is pregnancy. I believe that when men are pregnant, they have 100% choice in the matter of abortion vs. pregnancy.
4) This one's purely selfish. I'm female. I know for sure that if I found mysel pregnant, for whatever the reason, I would sure as hell not want to have what goes on in my body decided by someone else. For that reason, I support other women's choices. Because I'm female, I need, need, NEED, to be pro-choice.