
All I know about it is that cheap absinthe can taste horrible and smell worse. So don't go cheap. Even my alcoholic friend wouldn't drink it, and he drinks some nasty stuff.
That stuff is Kryptonite. Liquorice death. Last time I drank more than one shot of it I volunteered my cleavage (with two other girls) for a textpic to some guy I didn't even know so that my best friend could show him he was "missing the party." That is so out of character. Then miraculously showed up at my other best friend's house, hit my head on the arm of his sofa, and proceeded to remind him every two minutes that I "boinked my head." Anyway.

I have been told that the southern wormwood they use in absinthe now is not the same as what they used to use. But I've also heard it is the very same thing, but the "green fairy" business was just a bunch of baloney. Some sources say the thujone isn't even really responsible for the so-called psychedelic effect. There are youtube videos on the subject. I don't know who to believe. What I do know is that I've never experienced any hallucinations, per se, just lots of drunken idiocy. We have a bottle at home, but not much occasion to drink it. Stuff is insanely expensive.
I recently had absinthe in France and it didn't do a thing for me. Tasted good, though. Much like a pastis. Gets all cloudy when you pour the water into it.
Subsequently, absinthe provides a level of clarity not usually associated with alcoholic drinks, and what artist worth his beret could pass that up?

lol! (from the sitefaq)

I tried Lucid not long after absinthe was first legalized in the US, but I think the thujone was toned down by law, so I didn't notice anything. Other than that, it was like licorice jet fuel.
i drank 6 shots of it in the space of 45 minutes. highly not recommended.
Absinthe doesn't do anything other than get you drunk. Thujone is not a a psychedelic; in fact it's quite toxic. If you want to see the green fairy, just go and pick some mushrooms.
You have to drink a lot of the stuff over a long period of time for it to cause the hallucinations like what Van Gogh described. The stuff builds up in your system and fucks with your brain.

I tried it once and didn’t like it. I hate licorice. But it was cool, it was glowing florescent green and you pour it over sugar before you drink it. Which I thought was neat…