Happy Go Lucky
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- Enneagram
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Hello everyone, I browsed/searched to see if this test had been posted before and it hadn't.
It is a personality assessment. I found some of it pertinent to me but other parts of the
description did not fit so well. I am curious to see how you all score.
This is the link to the test, it is really quick and supposed to be simple.
However I found deciding on an answer difficult at some points. I did not
relate to either option so it was hard to decide which of the word-pairs
described me more.
This test does ask for some personal info. You can use this site I am
posting to generate fake info if you do not feel comfortable submitting
your actual personal information
Here are my results:
The Ultimate Planner
You are admired by many because of your thinking skills and the way you skillfully design your life and the steps in the lives of others. You're an excellent planner. Your opinions are treasured and trusted. Most people know that before you do anything or advise others about anything, you've reached broadly and delved deeply into the history and facts. Everyone realizes that you are conscientious and respectful of doing the right thing in the right way.
Checks and Balances
Yes, yours is a life of checks and balances to the smallest decimal place. No detail is overlooked. You only take precise steps that are planned out well in advance. Thinking and logic are supreme. Knowledge is the foundation. Everything is a chess match at the Masters level!
Usually you're not a risk taker. It doesn't mean that you're not adventurous. It means that before you take the first step, every possible move and option that can be controlled has been thought through thoroughly. You only like to deal with probabilities in your favor at 99.44 percent. Joy for you is minimizing luck.
How You Learn
You are a lifelong learner. Everything is absorbed like a blotter by your lock-step memory. Then, it is carefully processed and contextually stored with other pertinent information. When the need arises, you retrieve and reprocess the information for appropriate applications. Rarely does your memory or logical use of stored information fail you or others.
How You Interact with Others
You're basically an introverted and low-key person who likes everything to be orderly and impersonal. Reserved, proper and calm are words that are often used to describe you. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. You are independent and can be a loner very easily. Sometimes, your best friend is your computer and its Internet access.
In a group setting you're mostly very quiet and hardly volunteer to speak out unless you have something very pertinent to say. Even then, you are reticent at best. However, if someone you respect directly asks you for your opinion, you'll answer if you deem the subject in question worthy of your attention. Then, and only then, will you respond to that in a thorough manner. If you are pushed to explain even more, you'll use historical and logical explanations, including answering all of the possible questions as to why your responses are correct. Thus, you'll not leave any rational leaf unturned, and immediately you'll halt the possibility that someone else may question you again about this subject area.
Exploring Other Options
Every once in a while, your awareness and thinking processes change. It usually depends upon the situation presented to you. Your thought process shifts from its logical, analytic and detailed state towards a combination of optional thinking, creativity and synthetic wholes. Here, paradoxes are accepted and enjoyed instead of being scientifically rejected; chaos is the basis for reality. Emotional and rational thought are intertwined to solve problems and to strategically plan.
Shifting Interactions
Also, you're able to relate to people on a personal basis rather than an impersonal, factual basis. Now you can explore yourself and others on deeper and broader levels. Your conversations become more fluid, heartfelt and exploratory. You are able to accept inconsistencies of another's thoughts and feelings. When you're in this place, people search you out to discover more about themselves or their deep-seated problems. You seem so much more aware of what is happening rather than what should be happening.
Those who know you over a long period of time welcome these shifts. They accept and anticipate these changes as positive behavioral outcomes. Others, who know you formally, are initially perplexed when this happens. They may seem uncomfortable because your extremely consistent, rational behavior has been transformed into high-risk ideas. What they have expected is not consistent with what has happened previously.
The Final Analysis
Overall, your intellectual abilities, meticulous plans and shifting insights are seen by others as a great asset to their team and their organization. People depend on your articulate advice, logical-optional thinking and calmness in the face of problems. However, don't be negative or impatient when they present their rational shortcomings. Just be patient with them in the beginning and let them know what you are thinking in a positive manner.
People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Typically, you are not comfortable with their sometimes overly exuberant chitchat or storytelling.
As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people, but if the topic of conversation interests you, you'll listen and quietly process the information.
They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. At times, however, you might find their ebullience to be overpowering or annoying and will avoid interacting with them.
Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. As you analyze their intentions, however, you won't easily allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Your comfort with following rules and focusing on goals meshes well with their insistence on enforcing rules and driving all actions to achieving goals.
Because of your introverted nature, you might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. Typically this would not be an obstacle for you as you rely primarily on logic and rarely on feelings to help arrive at conclusions.
At times you may feel driven to provide a detailed analysis of a situation and will be frustrated at their impatience or reluctance to listen to your ideas.
In general, you should get along with each other fairly easily, as you both tend toward "left-brain" functions. Your quest for logical choices blends well with their concrete pragmatism and common sense.
People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.
When communicating with a Right-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
You may find their visions lacking the historical perspective or logical analysis that you require to make it acceptable. Nevertheless, they are usually open to benefiting from your knowledge and experience.
They value creative, inspirational options and can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when youÕre trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
When the need to accomplish something arises, you can become impatient or frustrated with their tendency to procrastinate.
When communicating with another Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Like you, they thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before reaching any conclusions. While they share your passion for logical and systematic analysis, you may find yourself disagreeing with their conclusions if you find any flaws in their facts or hypotheses. Because your own analysis may differ from theirs, you are likely to view that difference as a challenge that can stimulate a lively debate.
Like you, they usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. If you invest some energy into communication, you are bound to reap the benefits of the other person's knowledge and unique thought processes.
In situations where you must collaborate on a project, you may need to extract yourselves from excessive preoccupation with the analysis phase and focus on the execution phase.
Remember that since they prefer to listen rather than talk, they're absorbing and processing information that they may use to render an opinion. It would benefit you to be open-minded enough to consider a difference of opinion if offered.
They can be a valuable source of background or historical information that can be used to enhance your own analysis of a situation or problem.
Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:
Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs
edited to change formatting
It is a personality assessment. I found some of it pertinent to me but other parts of the
description did not fit so well. I am curious to see how you all score.
This is the link to the test, it is really quick and supposed to be simple.
However I found deciding on an answer difficult at some points. I did not
relate to either option so it was hard to decide which of the word-pairs
described me more.
This test does ask for some personal info. You can use this site I am
posting to generate fake info if you do not feel comfortable submitting
your actual personal information
Here are my results:
The Ultimate Planner
You are admired by many because of your thinking skills and the way you skillfully design your life and the steps in the lives of others. You're an excellent planner. Your opinions are treasured and trusted. Most people know that before you do anything or advise others about anything, you've reached broadly and delved deeply into the history and facts. Everyone realizes that you are conscientious and respectful of doing the right thing in the right way.
Checks and Balances
Yes, yours is a life of checks and balances to the smallest decimal place. No detail is overlooked. You only take precise steps that are planned out well in advance. Thinking and logic are supreme. Knowledge is the foundation. Everything is a chess match at the Masters level!
Usually you're not a risk taker. It doesn't mean that you're not adventurous. It means that before you take the first step, every possible move and option that can be controlled has been thought through thoroughly. You only like to deal with probabilities in your favor at 99.44 percent. Joy for you is minimizing luck.
How You Learn
You are a lifelong learner. Everything is absorbed like a blotter by your lock-step memory. Then, it is carefully processed and contextually stored with other pertinent information. When the need arises, you retrieve and reprocess the information for appropriate applications. Rarely does your memory or logical use of stored information fail you or others.
How You Interact with Others
You're basically an introverted and low-key person who likes everything to be orderly and impersonal. Reserved, proper and calm are words that are often used to describe you. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. You are independent and can be a loner very easily. Sometimes, your best friend is your computer and its Internet access.
In a group setting you're mostly very quiet and hardly volunteer to speak out unless you have something very pertinent to say. Even then, you are reticent at best. However, if someone you respect directly asks you for your opinion, you'll answer if you deem the subject in question worthy of your attention. Then, and only then, will you respond to that in a thorough manner. If you are pushed to explain even more, you'll use historical and logical explanations, including answering all of the possible questions as to why your responses are correct. Thus, you'll not leave any rational leaf unturned, and immediately you'll halt the possibility that someone else may question you again about this subject area.
Exploring Other Options
Every once in a while, your awareness and thinking processes change. It usually depends upon the situation presented to you. Your thought process shifts from its logical, analytic and detailed state towards a combination of optional thinking, creativity and synthetic wholes. Here, paradoxes are accepted and enjoyed instead of being scientifically rejected; chaos is the basis for reality. Emotional and rational thought are intertwined to solve problems and to strategically plan.
Shifting Interactions
Also, you're able to relate to people on a personal basis rather than an impersonal, factual basis. Now you can explore yourself and others on deeper and broader levels. Your conversations become more fluid, heartfelt and exploratory. You are able to accept inconsistencies of another's thoughts and feelings. When you're in this place, people search you out to discover more about themselves or their deep-seated problems. You seem so much more aware of what is happening rather than what should be happening.
Those who know you over a long period of time welcome these shifts. They accept and anticipate these changes as positive behavioral outcomes. Others, who know you formally, are initially perplexed when this happens. They may seem uncomfortable because your extremely consistent, rational behavior has been transformed into high-risk ideas. What they have expected is not consistent with what has happened previously.
The Final Analysis
Overall, your intellectual abilities, meticulous plans and shifting insights are seen by others as a great asset to their team and their organization. People depend on your articulate advice, logical-optional thinking and calmness in the face of problems. However, don't be negative or impatient when they present their rational shortcomings. Just be patient with them in the beginning and let them know what you are thinking in a positive manner.
Communication Tips
People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Typically, you are not comfortable with their sometimes overly exuberant chitchat or storytelling.
As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people, but if the topic of conversation interests you, you'll listen and quietly process the information.
They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. At times, however, you might find their ebullience to be overpowering or annoying and will avoid interacting with them.
Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. As you analyze their intentions, however, you won't easily allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Your comfort with following rules and focusing on goals meshes well with their insistence on enforcing rules and driving all actions to achieving goals.
Because of your introverted nature, you might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. Typically this would not be an obstacle for you as you rely primarily on logic and rarely on feelings to help arrive at conclusions.
At times you may feel driven to provide a detailed analysis of a situation and will be frustrated at their impatience or reluctance to listen to your ideas.
In general, you should get along with each other fairly easily, as you both tend toward "left-brain" functions. Your quest for logical choices blends well with their concrete pragmatism and common sense.
People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.
When communicating with a Right-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
You may find their visions lacking the historical perspective or logical analysis that you require to make it acceptable. Nevertheless, they are usually open to benefiting from your knowledge and experience.
They value creative, inspirational options and can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when youÕre trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
When the need to accomplish something arises, you can become impatient or frustrated with their tendency to procrastinate.
When communicating with another Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:
Like you, they thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before reaching any conclusions. While they share your passion for logical and systematic analysis, you may find yourself disagreeing with their conclusions if you find any flaws in their facts or hypotheses. Because your own analysis may differ from theirs, you are likely to view that difference as a challenge that can stimulate a lively debate.
Like you, they usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. If you invest some energy into communication, you are bound to reap the benefits of the other person's knowledge and unique thought processes.
In situations where you must collaborate on a project, you may need to extract yourselves from excessive preoccupation with the analysis phase and focus on the execution phase.
Remember that since they prefer to listen rather than talk, they're absorbing and processing information that they may use to render an opinion. It would benefit you to be open-minded enough to consider a difference of opinion if offered.
They can be a valuable source of background or historical information that can be used to enhance your own analysis of a situation or problem.
Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:
Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs
edited to change formatting
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