
Community Member
I was with my psychologist for the first time some weeks ago and was told i would suffer from adult adhd. When i was reading up on the topic i noticed many things marked as problems caused by adhd that are similar to the infp personality itself.

Im still trying to dig deeper to see if i really suffer from adhd or if it just looks like it on the outside.

I opened this Thread to hear your opinions on this matter and what you think about adhd beeing an illness or not.
I don't know a lot about it but the first thing that comes to mind is how in psychiatry and mental health, (in the U.S. in particular), for several decades now there has been a huge upsurge in diagnosis like this - where as some of these conditions were much less prescribed for before. Or were treated as behavioural and symptomatic, rather than something to be treated with drugs.

I don't know what the situation is in Germany but would be slightly suspicious of the pharmaceutical - doctor relationship regarding medicine prescription. I would want to read up about the medication etc. as well before taking it, if I were going to take it. Some of the medication can be heavy duty. My aunt was diagnosed with ADHD and seemed to get worse in her behaviour after taking Ritalin. I don't know if she had been misdiagnosed? (This is only one view so I hope there will be other contrary views too on this page).

Good point you make about 'what is the definition of this as an illness' ? When reading the symptoms can you think of strategies that you use of can use to cope with them? Also do you see these characteristics as an enduring part of your personality?
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I don't know a lot about it but the first thing that comes to mind is how in psychiatry and mental health, (in the U.S. in particular), for several decades now there has been a huge upsurge in diagnosis like this - where as some of these conditions were much less prescribed for before. Or were treated as behavioural and symptomatic, rather than something to be treated with drugs.

I don't know what the situation is in Germany but would be slightly suspicious of the pharmaceutical - doctor relationship regarding medicine prescription. I would want to read up about the medication etc. as well before taking it, if I were going to take it. Some of the medication can be heavy duty. My aunt was diagnosed with ADHD and seemed to get worse in her behaviour after taking Ritalin. I don't know if she had been misdiagnosed? (This is only one view so I hope there will be other contrary views too on this page).

Good point you make about 'what is the definition of this as an illness' ? When reading the symptoms can you think of strategies that you use of can use to cope with them? Also do you see these characteristics as an enduring part of your personality?

I got Bupropion but not for the ADHD but for the depression going along with it. Its adding Dopamin and Noradrenalin to the brain. I did not notice any changes though im still nowhere near able to take part in everyday life again not to mention working.

The symptoms shown in ADHD descriptions that i share i see as part of my personality like changing interests quickly and getting hyped over new ideas easily. I dont like standing still falling into routines. Although i have to admit i live in a horribly sad routine right now unable to leave the house sitting in front of the screen all day not even doing anything since i have no motivations anymore. Im just unable to do anything and if i try im either out of energy or getting rly mad at something as i stop trying. I dont see the connection between my personality traits and my lack of energy motivation and the pile of fears and anxiousness thats keeping me tied.

The Psychologist asked me several times if i know whats causing my troubles i have right now and if ive ever known it and i couldnt think about it quickly enough and said no i dont. she said thats typical for adhd but actually there are past events that caused changes in my energy levels where i see the problems. Overall im not convinced about the theory i have adult adhd and that its causing my depression.
I hope you feel better soon, and find the best remedy.:hug:
I've personally wondered if I had Adult ADHD as well, OP. I think if it's something your doctor has suggested it may be worth looking into. Not everyone needs treatment or drugs for it and can find ways to manage without, but ultimately it's whatever makes life better for you is what you should go with. There are great resources online about how to focus and get things done even when every inch of your body wants to do anything but. I think wanting to try to improve and get things done is a brilliant first step to hold onto, and you shouldn't give up on yourself. :)

I don't think it's an exclusively INFP problem, but I can see how a lot of similar traits would exist. It's a problem more with Myers-Briggs I think than the medical field. You'd answer the questions on the MBTI test like 'Do you get things done as soon as they come up' and 'Do you take the lead in projects and enjoy management situations' and all these kinds of things - but of course that's not going to be something you'd agree with honestly if you have something like executive dysfunction and practical tasks are overwhelming and motivation is near-impossible. It's the same with people who have Depression as well.

I think the MBTI doesn't take mental health into account and its a big drawback of its system. Like, how many people with Introversion have social anxiety? If they got help and overcame their anxiety, would they still be introverted? These are the questions that the type system can't answer.