"Adjusted" Version of the MBTI Test

My phone is refusing to allow me to take the quiz, but...

As @Free would say...


ENTP again for this test.

Still not ENTP.
Fret not, gentle oracle. I forgot that this was the weird quiz. Everyone got strange results. Case in point: me as ENTP
I fear there may be a terrible case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde....

But I'm confident in your accessment Atree, and proudly stand beside the INFJ Banner and seek to progress and develop in all areas of the community, to bring unity and hope as well as compassion to the world..........or something like that :expressionless:

That result is just down right bizarre.
This test is broken for so many reasons, the most obvious being, it just gave me this:

Your result for The New MBTI Personality Test ...

ENTJ: The Commander
1% Extroverted, 3% Organised, 1% Te-dominant, 0% Fe-dominant, 0% S-secondary and 1% N-secondary!

You are extroverted and organised. Your dominant cognitive function is Extroverted Thinking and your secondary function is Introverted Intuition. That's great!

"ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious, ESTJs like to get things done, and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way.

ESTJs are the consummate organizers, and want to bring structure to their surroundings. They value predictability and prefer things to proceed in a logical order. When they see a lack of organization, the ESTJ often takes the initiative to establish processes and guidelines, so that everyone knows what's expected."

Read more on: http://www.truity.com/personality-type/ESTJ

If you look closer, it typed me ENTJ, then proceeded to give me a description of ESTJ.