Adopt me!

Nope, because I am not an elf. I'm more of a hobbit. :P

I see, then I had better just kick you and run off.

agreed *goes running, screeming into the night*

Oooh? An angel, and a dark one at that!

*Grabs rucksack and chases with the adoption papers*
Ohhh, I'll adopt you. I've always wanted a minion.
I'll adopt you! the pack could always use a moving food store. We'll feed you well, fatten you up. lodging wise however, we tend to travel a lot. but food good! if you dont mind raw ;)

oh! and if we have no food, i'm sorry your it :m027:
Ohhh, I'll adopt you. I've always wanted a minion.

Sorry, but I only accept minions!

I'll adopt you! the pack could always use a moving food store. We'll feed you well, fatten you up. lodging wise however, we tend to travel a lot. but food good! if you dont mind raw ;)

Ah, most tempting offer yet.

I simply adore wolves, the silent predators with their glowing eyes and careful ways.

I could certainley use fattening up!
Well thats because no-one likes you obviously.

Possibly the demon-child vibe you give off.

Well, okay, I have that too, but I compensate by being cute.

*Rubs eyes*

I'ma sleepy.

*Crawls onto Slants knee and falls asleep*
Well thats because no-one likes you obviously.

Possibly the demon-child vibe you give off.

Well, okay, I have that too, but I compensate by being cute.

*Rubs eyes*

I'ma sleepy.

*Crawls onto Slants knee and falls asleep*

hmm.. I wonder which part of you is gonna be missing when you wake up :m169:
Hm...a 19 year old male seeking adoption. I need to know the answers to two questions before I let you know whether or not I'm interested...

1. How cute are you?
2. What is your favorite brand of lube?
One- I dunno, do you like depressed and floppy haired introverts?

Two-what the hell is lube?


So is that an American thing?

I honestly don't know.

I coulda swore it had something to do with the internal engines of cars and their maintenance.

Agh, and I can't google it cause I'm on a mobile.

But as for my cute factor, a profile picture should ruin that:3
Oh I wouldn't bother with silly things like looking things up. Just move in with Satya.

Carpe diem dude, carpe diem.
Is Satya kind loving and gentle?

More importantly, does he have a games console with at least eight games with 'FINAL FANTASY' in the title?

I'm sure he is and he does.

Oh and feel free to turn up in priest robes with a bible in your hand. It'll make you so much cuter to him.
*Shuts his eyes as the some twenty-five plained clothed INFJ police-folk open fire on poor Slant before she can get so much as a finger on the detonator.
She falls to the ground moments later, rather unexploded and resembling swiss cheese, only red and human shaped.*

Oh dear...

Don't these mad bombers ever learn?

*Puts on his 3-D glasses and watches the carnage unfold in red and blue*


Thats better...hrm, it's almost real.:}