15 countries or no deal.
No, our reproduction rate isn't that high.can we start of with North America?!!!
No, our reproduction rate isn't that high.
hahah well Im Irish were fucked!
we still have those huge catholic farming families!
Good point, we wouldn't want to endanger any other species in the process. How to inflict massive casualties on humanity while leaving the environment unharmed?Nuking creates an inhospitable environment for other life forms. We need to devise a different method of land cleansing.
we could drop gas....or....poision their crops and have everyone refuse to trade with them...or....I dont know INFJs come up with something creative damnit!
Here's a chart showing the population percentage increase per year for each nation. As you can see, Ireland would be safe for a while yet.
Do we want to seriously talk about a method that has been given serious thought?
Sure, let's do that. That would be more productive than discussing morally objectionable plans that will never happen.
So, semi-realistic solution #1: Stop exporting food to places that lack the resources and wealth to grow their own. Many third world countries have far exceeded their natural population capacity, and will continue to do so as long as we keep artificially increasing it. Two simple facts dominate this: we will never catch up, and we will have major problems ourselves if we keep trying. The industrial nations' populations are leveling off or declining, while the developing ones' are growing faster. That is unsustainable, and the longer we let it go, the bigger of a future calamity we are setting up for.
Sure, let's do that. That would be more productive than discussing morally objectionable plans that will never happen.
So, semi-realistic solution #1: Stop exporting food to places that lack the resources and wealth to grow their own. Many third world countries have far exceeded their natural population capacity, and will continue to do so as long as we keep artificially increasing it. Two simple facts dominate this: we will never catch up, and we will have major problems ourselves if we keep trying. The industrial nations' populations are leveling off or declining, while the developing ones' are growing faster. That is unsustainable, and the longer we let it go, the bigger of a future calamity we are setting up for.
Actually, the Chinese have had to address this problem.
The population will take care of itself. Abortion should never be considered legal, used, and funded by a government just because someone did not and will not assume
To me it is a sickening thought. The government that follows that path will insult humanity as a whole. Don't know what causes that? Duh!
I personally adhere to the thought that, since overpopulation is such an important global issue, industrial and postindustrial nations have a responsibility to plant seeds of economic growth and stability within these countries, starting with more funding for high quality, affordable education. It might seem like a broken windows theory, but I am of the belief that the quality and availability of education has a strong relationship with availability of economic success and longer, healthier lives. If longer, healthier lives are achieved, the population problem in undeveloped countries should eventually become more like those in industrial/post-industrial societies.