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I can only connect in a very superficial manner with s types, I never get the deep spiritual connection I can with n types. I can pretty much tell when I'm talking to someone whether I can go deeper with them. I can only ever talk about current affairs and pop culture etc with s types, or sports which bore me. NF types can connect on a psychic level, which is the relationship I really miss. At best, with an NF I don't even need to talk, the connection is non verbal.
You have some severely stereotypical ideas of what s types are. I'd be willing you bet money that you're friends with at least one S type and don't realize it. The way you are describing it, it's saying that S types are incapable of having or conveying depth, which is completely incorrect. Further, you have your own personal opinion on what depth is. You're seeing it as the ability to just feel close with someone. That's not depth at all, that's just relating to someone. Take sports for example; you can go pretty darn deep with it. There's a lot to the statistics of it, how the players act in various conditions. Team dynamics. It's quite mind boggling how much you can get into with it. Sports are just something you don't really care for, that's all. You're using a label to pigeonhole an idea of what you want in a person. Essentially, you've idolized NF types in your mind for what you want them to be.
You have to remember, MBTI is a theory about how individuals think, and not much else. It can manifest in wildly different ways.