All Intuitives are Mentally Ill.

I can only connect in a very superficial manner with s types, I never get the deep spiritual connection I can with n types. I can pretty much tell when I'm talking to someone whether I can go deeper with them. I can only ever talk about current affairs and pop culture etc with s types, or sports which bore me. NF types can connect on a psychic level, which is the relationship I really miss. At best, with an NF I don't even need to talk, the connection is non verbal.

You have some severely stereotypical ideas of what s types are. I'd be willing you bet money that you're friends with at least one S type and don't realize it. The way you are describing it, it's saying that S types are incapable of having or conveying depth, which is completely incorrect. Further, you have your own personal opinion on what depth is. You're seeing it as the ability to just feel close with someone. That's not depth at all, that's just relating to someone. Take sports for example; you can go pretty darn deep with it. There's a lot to the statistics of it, how the players act in various conditions. Team dynamics. It's quite mind boggling how much you can get into with it. Sports are just something you don't really care for, that's all. You're using a label to pigeonhole an idea of what you want in a person. Essentially, you've idolized NF types in your mind for what you want them to be.

You have to remember, MBTI is a theory about how individuals think, and not much else. It can manifest in wildly different ways.
I have very good reason to believe that I can't have a deep connection with an SJ as both my parents were SJ and they never understood me. They even had a marriage of convenience, no love or romance at all. I want to have a deep spiritual almost psychic connection with my partner. The only real friends I have had have been NF or NT.
I have very good reason to believe that I can't have a deep connection with an SJ as both my parents were SJ and they never understood me. They even had a marriage of convenience, no love or romance at all. I want to have a deep spiritual almost psychic connection with my partner. The only real friends I have had have been NF or NT.

Once again clear codependency signs from your posts. Seek professional counseling. You need to speak with someone who is qualified to help you deal with your issues. Just because your parents were that way doesn't mean it applies to all SJs
Once again clear codependency signs from your posts. Seek professional counseling. You need to speak with someone who is qualified to help you deal with your issues. Just because your parents were that way doesn't mean it applies to all SJs

I'm getting help, I have something like PTSD and am seeing a psychologist. My mother was very codependent, my father was abusive and I was brought up with him and her arguing every day about his affairs. She was very put upon and used, she lost a baby too and he blamed her for it. Now I have to live with my mum in the family house I get nightmares and flashbacks about things that happened when I was a kid.
I don't want to be alone, but the thoughts of ending up with a man like my father terrifies me he was like Frank from Blue Velvet.
I have very good reason to believe that I can't have a deep connection with an SJ as both my parents were SJ and they never understood me. They even had a marriage of convenience, no love or romance at all. I want to have a deep spiritual almost psychic connection with my partner. The only real friends I have had have been NF or NT.

Using your own experience as the only experience by which to judge people and situations by is a very sj thing to do. You're probably an istj yourself
Once again clear codependency signs from your posts. Seek professional counseling. You need to speak with someone who is qualified to help you deal with your issues. Just because your parents were that way doesn't mean it applies to all SJs

Yup. Ghoulia, you actually have quite a judgemental pattern towards others that shows up in nearly all of your posts. It's good to see you're working on yourself. Keep doing so.

My father is an ESTJ, and he never "got" me for years and years. For a long time I used that as a basis that "all SJ's are bad", and I was horribly wrong. It wasn't until I was around 19 or 20 that I realized my dad wasn't a bad person, and infact is actually a very good person. We're simply different. He didn't really understand me, and I also really didn't understand him. At the end of the day his type actually had little to do with this. I've met plenty of INFJ's before that I didn't get or understand at all. It's very easy to stereotype others based off a single bad experience, but it's not correct to do.
I actually feel that I am the most mentally stable person that I know :)

I believe that my introspection and self-awareness help me to understand myself and any situation that I find myself in so I can cope better with adapting to external stressors.

This might seem wrong but I have in the past almost wished that I did have a mental health issue because I felt that I would then have an 'excuse' for saying or doing things that are not appropriate or not doing things that I should do. This was a reaction to having a number of people in my life that I had to keep making concessions for because of their mental health issues. I know this probably sounds not very empathic, but I think it can be a normal reaction to the frustration of dealing daily with people who have certain mental issues. It's not easy having a mental illness but it's also not easy living with people with a mental illness.
after i read the title:

first thought: sure
second thought: if everyone is mentally ill, then no one is
third thought: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I disagree with you about the S's unable to have a deep connection. While i do instantly click with NFs and NTs...when I think about my very closest longterm friendships several of them are SJs. SJ's are incredibly loyal, yes it can get annoying to hear them go on and on about their medical bills or the exact details of some traffic jam they were in and so forth but.... talk about friends that have your back. 4 of my SJ friends that I'm thinking of right now they are ESFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ ...I know I can trust them with just about anything and they would pretty much go to war for me if need be. My ESFJ friend even checks up on my parents for me because she lives close to them. SJ's can be incredible friends. I don't have experience with them as lovers that I know of.
Here's a fun fact: 4 out of the 4 SJ friends I'm talking about have received treatment for mental illness of some kind. I don't believe mental illness and type to go hand in hand at all in fact mental illness may even mask your true type.
No, I've never been ISTJ, only ever tested as INFJ/P or ENFP since a teenager, maybe the stress I'm under has brought out a shadow type?
Using your own experience as the only experience by which to judge people and situations by is a very sj thing to do. You're probably an istj yourself

I know there are people who have great relationships, but I'm so afraid to open up to anyone in case I get taken for a ride again. The loss of someone do close and intimate makes me feel very cold inside and I can't share they with anyone because they don't understand.
All Intuitives are Mentally Ill.
I imagine from most sensors perspective yes! haha Their thought process towards intuitives I imagine:"What a bunch of fucking airheads, pulling things out of their asses!Stop tripping and do something useful!" (intuitive: :m096: sensor: :m080: :P)
I'm getting help, I have something like PTSD and am seeing a psychologist. My mother was very codependent, my father was abusive and I was brought up with him and her arguing every day about his affairs. She was very put upon and used, she lost a baby too and he blamed her for it. Now I have to live with my mum in the family house I get nightmares and flashbacks about things that happened when I was a kid.
I don't want to be alone, but the thoughts of ending up with a man like my father terrifies me he was like Frank from Blue Velvet.

To be frank don't take the advice of these so called INFJ's. They are not one of us and won't understand what life is like a dominant Ni in a world ruled by Si.

After a few posts on here realized that this place isn't safe and that just like everywhere else bark instructions at you.
Well, to me it's like Elvis thought and told his friends (as legend goes) - "I'm not a drug addict, these were given to me by my doctor!" If we're a type, then we're validated and not mental cases.

The term "mentally ill" is a vast hypernym, too. Who's mentally ill? People going through their one and only depressions are, technically, mentally ill for that period. The same goes for bipolar people, schizophrenics, people with ADHD, OCD, etc. etc. etc.

Also, some of the greatest people that I have known were SJ's. ESFJ's and ISFJ's are, generally, the sweetest people that you will ever meet! Personalities and MBTI results are two very different things.
Mental illness is literally determined by patterns of variation from social norms. There's a lot of overzealous diagnosing that goes on in the medical field when it comes to mental illness - and honestly I think that roughly 60-65% of diagnoses are a result of over-ambition and/or misinterpretation on behalf of medical personnel, in response to perceived dysfunction which is actually a perfectly healthy mode of expression. It just doesn't fit with social norms.
To be frank don't take the advice of these so called INFJ's. They are not one of us and won't understand what life is like a dominant Ni in a world ruled by Si.

After a few posts on here realized that this place isn't safe and that just like everywhere else bark instructions at you.

even INFJs sometimes have trouble understanding how things really are for other people.
Personally, I'm of the motto that you want to be the crazy one in any relationship, not the other way around. Nutty intuitive that I am, perhaps I ought to rope me myself a sane and stable S-type to drive absolutely bonkers for my own amusement.


As for the lovely bouquet of generalizations that have been dispersed about in this thread like it were a funeral for one's logic, I'd suggest thinking carefully about differentiating personality type from personality or mood disorder, as well as consider the sample you're basing this all on.
The world machine at large relys on sensate people too function.
SJ and SP make the world go round, as they are the action oriented doers.
NT is the crazy scientist, and likely to have ASD
NF is the artist and poet who has a mood disorder.

Ughm... your avatar annoys the shit out of me.