All the jobs I have gotten were through men!

Yes!!! Me too!!! Same age as you and female. Currently looking for a new job and absolutely find that women (unless they too are strong and passionate in their character) often find me intimidating and threatening. Totally misunderstood. Men on the other hand have no problem interpreting my passionate character simply as passionate because I love what I do, not because they find me intimidating I oftentimes find myself having to "cutify" myself so that I don't come across too much for some women who are more timid.... I do wonder if these same women would accept me more for who I am if I was a man?
Frustrating to say the least. So, I hear ya sister!!!

I am a professional female in my mid-30s. I have noticed that all the jobs I have gotten have been through men, whether directly or indirectly. I have been recommended for jobs by my (male) network of peers, have actually been hired by committees composed of men, and have had bosses who were men. Never once has a female actually helped me land a job, and I have several women in my network and friendship circles. Am I biased in my vies? Perhaps....I don´t know.

I do wonder though if this is an INFJ thing. Even thought I am introverted, I come across as a dynamic leader, and no, this does not scare men away. The J in my INFJ is very strong. So I am wondering if other INFJs women who are strong Js have had similar experiences in the workplace.
@ OP

You have been going on for years here about how you don't get along with women. There was even that thread where you said you also don't get along with "feminine acting gay men" in which you once again reiterated not getting along well with women. This seems to be a consistent trend for a long time now.

You speak of how females appear to act towards you, but how do you act towards them? Your perceptions seem to be negatively skewed, which could be affecting your own actions without you necessarily being conscious of it. Do you think this could be a possibility?

She can't hear you because you're a woman.
I do wonder though if this is an INFJ thing. Even thought I am introverted, I come across as a dynamic leader, and no, this does not scare men away. The J in my INFJ is very strong. So I am wondering if other INFJs women who are strong Js have had similar experiences in the workplace.

Your INFJ brings all the boys to the yard... (lol :wink:)

Seriously though, I work in IT I have not experienced an issue with women in general, or men for that matter. I tend figure out quickly how to work with others to reach the common goal (and have to as a Project Manager).

That said, in life, I have found it easier to initially get along with men. They almost always understand my sense of humor or perspective right away. I do have some good female friendships, which took longer to cultivate.
That's because all men are a joke :smirk:
I am a professional female in my mid-30s. I have noticed that all the jobs I have gotten have been through men, whether directly or indirectly. I have been recommended for jobs by my (male) network of peers, have actually been hired by committees composed of men, and have had bosses who were men. Never once has a female actually helped me land a job, and I have several women in my network and friendship circles. Am I biased in my vies? Perhaps....I don´t know.

I do wonder though if this is an INFJ thing. Even thought I am introverted, I come across as a dynamic leader, and no, this does not scare men away. The J in my INFJ is very strong. So I am wondering if other INFJs women who are strong Js have had similar experiences in the workplace.

Same....the real jobs. Weak women won't hire strong ones, it only makes them look lazier. Then again I also worked for years around men in non tradition fields. That could be part of it too. I don't suffer fools, and can come off confident and forthright.