Angels & Demons

Do angels and Demons exist?

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Conspiracy theorist!!
Well, except as metaphor for human behavior. I do believe people can be angels and/or demons.
I heard entire conversations going on in my head while on clonzapam. So my thought on voives is that brain chemistry can play a big role.
Angels and demons exist in my life. I wouldn’t attempt to justify their existence in anyone else’s life. My experiences are true to me. I’m sure there are many ways to dismiss them, but they are my own. Here are a couple...

When my father was dying the Angel Gabriel came to me and brought the two of us together so that we could say goodbye. I was in Hawaii at the time and my father was in California. I was dreaming. I was in a dark room and panicking... like when you’re a child and scared of the dark. I called out for my father and he came in and we spoke. After I saw a hand pointing to upwards and a voice say, “my name is Gabriel” and I shot up above the stars and saw the gates of heaven. I felt so welcomed, like this is where I belonged. I woke up in tears and my father passed away the next day.

I don’t take opioids because they thin the veil too much for me. I don’t use any drugs, actually. One time I was I used to live in a house that was paranormally active. I was recovering from knee surgery and on prescription pain meds and saw a shadow demon walk through the bedroom door. It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life. I was physically paralyzed in fetal position. I called out for the Angel Michael and he appeared and covered me completely with his shield. I instantly fell into a deep sleep.

There are instances where I choose to communicate with angels. Either through music, numbers, or random symbols that appear out of nowhere. Sometimes I see their auras. It gives me some kind of solace and meaning in this backwards world.
Maybe. I've had some bizarre experiences, many in dreams. When I was much younger, I was very into witchcraft despite being brought up catholic. I remember after doing some spell work, I had a dream that I was staring into my reflection in the bathroom mirror chanting something, when behind me, I saw in the mirror this extremely beautiful man appeared. But I only saw him in flashes, like one one might see things in the dark as illuminated by lightning during a storm. Then, I was thrown into the corner of the bathroom and attacked by this force/being. It was brutal and one of the most terrifying things I experienced, even though it was in a dream. Then the attack stopped and in my dream I was yelling, "Why would you let this happen to me, god!?" And in my dream I heard a voice that said, "Don't tempt Satan." I woke up feeling violated and I felt that way for days. It felt like more than a dream.

Maybe it was a spiritual event or maybe it was purely subconscious, but it really was intense.
I heard entire conversations going on in my head while on clonzapam. So my thought on voives is that brain chemistry can play a big role.

Really?? Just a benzo did that to you?
I'm gonna go with No on this one. Simply because whatever the actual events are (which I am not refuting as real or at least real in the sense of the experiencer's perception of them), I'm fairly certain they are vastly misunderstood or misinterpreted by the person experiencing/witnessing them.

I believe there are actual phenomena that people label angels and demons, but I think they are either simply in our mind's eye due to a chemical imbalance, or possibly something relating to infinite consciousness, extra-terrestrials, alternate/concurrent time or something of that nature.
It did more... but this aspect seemed relevant to the discussion.

What else? Could be relevant to the brain chemistry/metaphysics discussion. By the way, there are those who believe that Hillary is controlled by demons. Seriously. It wouldn't shock me in all honesty. At the very least she seems like a sociopath.
I'm gonna go with No on this one. Simply because whatever the actual events are (which I am not refuting as real or at least real in the sense of the experiencer's perception of them), I'm fairly certain they are vastly misunderstood or misinterpreted by the person experiencing/witnessing them.

I believe there are actual phenomena that people label angels and demons, but I think they are either simply in our mind's eye due to a chemical imbalance, or possibly something relating to infinite consciousness, extra-terrestrials, alternate/concurrent time or something of that nature.

ETs, Angels, demons, fairies, mermaids, ghosts, spirits, and others: Why dismiss one type and accept another? And how do you really classify positive, negative, and neutral entities? Isn't it often a matter of semantics and a product of our limited understanding of reality? An alien could be a demon, or a demon could be an alien. Or you could just be delusional and paranoid. What really is the cause of schizophrenia? Is it physiological or psychic in nature? What the fuck is really going on? Can we ever really find out without going crazy? Maybe everyone on the forum should drop a shit ton of acid this weekend and then we can continue this conversation in a week. No thanks. Acid scares the shit out of me. I don't want to trip for two weeks thank you very much.
An alien could be a demon, or a demon could be an alien.

No. They are by definition entirely different. If you want to blur the lines there that's on you.

Or you could just be delusional and paranoid.

Perhaps, as I already stated.
What really is the cause of schizophrenia? Is it physiological or psychic in nature? What the fuck is really going on? Can we ever really find out without going crazy?

It is very clearly a psychological disorder. To claim otherwise is dehumanizing to people who suffer the affliction.

Maybe everyone on the forum should drop a shit ton of acid this weekend and then we can continue this conversation in a week. No thanks. Acid scares the shit out of me. I don't want to trip for two weeks thank you very much.

What the fuck does acid have to do with anything in this conversation, though? Nothing. Mind altering drugs are too often used as a crutch to arrive at some cheapened false state of "heightened awareness." If you need a drug to get you there, you ain't there. Don't kid yourself (not you personally, people doing this).
No. They are by definition entirely different. If you want to blur the lines there that's on you.

Perhaps, as I already stated.

It is very clearly a psychological disorder. To claim otherwise is dehumanizing to people who suffer the affliction.

What the fuck does acid have to do with anything in this conversation, though? Nothing. Mind altering drugs are too often used as a crutch to arrive at some cheapened false state of "heightened awareness." If you need a drug to get you there, you ain't there. Don't kid yourself (not you personally, people doing this).

1. I was not clear. I didn't mean that an alien and a demon are the same thing, rather that they could be mistaken for one another.
2. I suspect the truth concerning a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be far more complex and multi faceted than you suggest.
3. First of all I have never tried acid and I never will. I am not advocating its use, only being facetious. But I do believe that people have used acid and other psychedelics and received some benefit. Ultimately this entire thread is as much about metaphysics, human consciousness, paradigms, religious dogma, semantics, and enlightenment as it is angels and Demons. For example, you can't be a materialist if you believe in angels or demons. Dropping acid can expand your mind resulting in being receptive to non materialist views of reality. I think to completely dismiss acid as a tool is undermining its potential. Much great art has been made with the aid of psychedelics. I understand and agree with your skepticism related to drugs. But I think often people try drugs and that experience leads to developing the desire to become a seeker. Drugs can be a great catalyst in people's lives (1960's anyone?), and I think your reaction to my joking about acid was a bit sanctimonious and simplistic. There is not a one size fits all path. But you know that. Anyway, how do you feel about the use of ayahuasca and peyote by shamans? Or healers who work with spirit guides or Angels? And can people use sorcery to contact negative entities like demons or dark entities or negative multidimensional beings? Public service announcement by Mr. Mackey: All drugs are bad.
[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION] fair enough arguments. I will say if one were to fully investigate drug usage for spiritual purposes, they'd understand that yes it is a gateway. Useful maybe in specific circumstances. Harmful in the wrong hands definitely. Problem is, instead of using them properly and making the goal to *not need them and pursue a natural path* people just continually use for a fix. Spiritual addiction is still addiction. Even a lot of "medicine men" or"spiritualists" of today are simply addicts. Finding a person who isn't just full of shit has become increasingly difficult.

I am sanctimonious. I'm also right.
Person I know was thrown from a car many moons ago on the Interstate in a bad accident. This black guy with military camo shows up with a towel, holding her head together til the helicopter arrived. When the emergency personnel arrived, it was like he just disappeared in thin air. The person is still alive to this day, with almost 300 stitches from round her head. It split open all the way around except the forehead. Angel unaware?

Woman was hit almost head on in front of my business years ago. She was elderly. Broke both her arms evenly between her wrists and elbows and she was in shock, both her hands hanging down. All four doors were locked. As others started arriving at the scene, this black man in a military camo suit showed from nowhere and just opened the back drivers side door. Looked around and he was gone as the ambulances and LEOs arrived. Cannot help but wonder if this was the same entity.
Where your heart is, there shall also your treasure be.
[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION] fair enough arguments. I will say if one were to fully investigate drug usage for spiritual purposes, they'd understand that yes it is a gateway. Useful maybe in specific circumstances. Harmful in the wrong hands definitely. Problem is, instead of using them properly and making the goal to *not need them and pursue a natural path* people just continually use for a fix. Spiritual addiction is still addiction. Even a lot of "medicine men" or"spiritualists" of today are simply addicts. Finding a person who isn't just full of shit has become increasingly difficult.

I am sanctimonious. I'm also right.

Totally agree. Didn't Dali say something like everyone should try drugs once, but only once. It seems you would agree. Try something, and then move on. If you drop acid 1,000 times you are frying your brain. I do feel that ayahuasca ceremonies and retreats can be a total scam, not to mention very risky. Vomiting and diarrhea are not my thing.
Person I know was thrown from a car many moons ago on the Interstate in a bad accident. This black guy with military camo shows up with a towel, holding her head together til the helicopter arrived. When the emergency personnel arrived, it was like he just disappeared in thin air. The person is still alive to this day, with almost 300 stitches from round her head. It split open all the way around except the forehead. Angel unaware?

Woman was hit almost head on in front of my business years ago. She was elderly. Broke both her arms evenly between her wrists and elbows and she was in shock, both her hands hanging down. All four doors were locked. As others started arriving at the scene, this black man in a military camo suit showed from nowhere and just opened the back drivers side door. Looked around and he was gone as the ambulances and LEOs arrived. Cannot help but wonder if this was the same entity.

Maybe he was a superhero.
[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION] fair enough arguments. I will say if one were to fully investigate drug usage for spiritual purposes, they'd understand that yes it is a gateway. Useful maybe in specific circumstances. Harmful in the wrong hands definitely. Problem is, instead of using them properly and making the goal to *not need them and pursue a natural path* people just continually use for a fix. Spiritual addiction is still addiction. Even a lot of "medicine men" or"spiritualists" of today are simply addicts. Finding a person who isn't just full of shit has become increasingly difficult.

I am sanctimonious. I'm also right.

"I am sanctimonious. I'm also right." That needs to be a bumper sticker. Or a campaign slogan. Or carved on a tombstone. So many possibilities.