

life is good
I don't recall having seen a thread to post videos or tidbits about animals, so how about it?
A place to share videos, tidbits, and discussions about animals and their amazing worlds.
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This is an interesting short clip of a sperm whale and two divers.

Or an animal stuck in our world

Here's a series of pictures that will leave just about anyone on the verge of tears. It's been posted before, along with the story of what each images is about.


She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.

He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again, he cries with adoring love.
He stood beside her, saddened of her death.


Finally aware that she would never return to him, he stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.
Video: Ride On a Seabird's Back as It Dives Toward the Ocean Floor

Video: Ride On a Seabird's Back as It Dives Toward the Ocean Floor

Giving video cameras to animals can yield some awesome results, especially underwater - remember the octopus guerrilla filmmaker? In a new video, ride on the back of a South American seabird as it captures footage of its 45 meter deep dive.

Imperial cormorants live off the coast of Patagonia, Argentina, and are protected by various regulations. Scientists at the Wildlife Conservation Society have been tracking about 400 of them with GPS loggers and archival tags. This time, a team led by WCS researcher Flavio Quintana attached a camera to a bird's back and set it loose.

The video is the first time scientists have been able to watch the birds' feeding techniques.

The footage is choppy at first as the bird sits on the surface, but then it takes a nosedive. It finally reaches the ocean floor and looks around for a meal, snatching up a long fish and bringing it back up to eat. Watch its crazy ride below.
[MENTION=2890]Lerxst[/MENTION] - What a brute! :O

Truly one of our closest relatives...
Battle at Kruger

I was having a coffee and a cigarette outside and there is a bucket at the bottom of the stairs that I try to get the butts into. I've only managed it about three times but it is more difficult than it sounds. Anyway, I saw a squirrel run up and start drinkng out of it...then scamper off again. Squirrels are everywhere but normally in...trees.
I was having a coffee and a cigarette outside and there is a bucket at the bottom of the stairs that I try to get the butts into. I've only managed it about three times but it is more difficult than it sounds. Anyway, I saw a squirrel run up and start drinkng out of it...then scamper off again. Squirrels are everywhere but normally in...trees.

When you live in Canada, squirrels indeed tend to be everywhere. Including urban spaces. Except perhaps on the University of Victoria campus, where they were once replaced by rabbits, until the University culled them or sold them or something. I wonder if the squirrels have now taken over that campus like they tend to everywhere else..
I have always had a strange fascination for elephants. Certain parts of their behaviour amazes me, like when they push the bones of a dead elephant into a pile and then stand nearby for days, as if grieving. I am planning a trip to Kenya in the next year or two, mostly to meet the child I have been sponsoring for nine years, but also to go on an safari. :) There is an amazing wildlife reserve near Kilimanjaro which I intend to visit (Amboseli National Park).

This is one of my favourite elephant pictures. Not sure who to give credit to. :)

I'm staying with my family for the weekend, and according to my mom, our dog has been whining for days.
She stops immediately once you go to pet her or cuddle her or talk to her and she wags her tail then. She isn't acting like anything hurts, and she's eating and playing. Weird.
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