Annoying, chatterbox, boring people!

do you think you'd be more extroverted if people said interesting stuff rather than the chatterbox or something

Yes and no. Its easier for me to converse with people who are interesting or who give and take in a conversation. You can get lost in a topic together then you realise 2 hours has passed. But then again, after 2 hours of this, I will still feel the need to head home and get some solitude in. It's just a much happier, rounded, social experience!
Yes and no. Its easier for me to converse with people who are interesting or who give and take in a conversation. You can get lost in a topic together then you realise 2 hours has passed. But then again, after 2 hours of this, I will still feel the need to head home and get some solitude in. It's just a much happier, rounded, social experience!
oh okay thanks for answering
Oh sorry for the confusion there...

I know what you mean, people sometimes need to externalise their own frustrations which they don't know how to work through on their own. They just don't always consider how that can affect people around them (or in some cases, selfishness prevails). I think I need to try and be a little less invested in the subject matter of such conversations (including when people tend to be talking for the sake of talking) and just play my part in order to survive the event. Like you said, just listen and offer support, act interested and interject if I feel the need to stand up for something. I guess it will take some practice!

Confusion was my fault :wink:

They just don't always consider how that can affect people around them (or in some cases, selfishness prevails). I guess it will take some practice!

I have to keep reminding myself of this - particularly as we are so prone to picking up other peoples energy - it can be very depleting.

Wishing you all the best xx