Someone once said that the main difference between an INFJ and an INFP is INFJ's get more done. lol. Nobleheart alluded to the same thing earlier as well
I'm also going through a phase where I'm uncertain about my type, so let me chime in on this.
The MBTI type questions do a lot of assumptive inferences. For example, they'll try to determine J and P by pitting Te against Fi, or Se against Ni. For example, having issues with untidiness tends to be an Si trait, which implies that the person is a J type personality. Therefore, not all of the J or P questions are going to be relevant in all cases, just like the I and E questions will differ, based on the fact that these tests tend to lump all of the introverted functions and all of the extroverted functions together. The end result is that few people can fit any type perfectly, due to the way the tests are designed.
That said, your responses are typically Feeler responses, but could apply equally to Fe or Fi. Let's clarify a little.
If someone
you care very much about offends your personal convictions, are you more likely to let it slide and be upset with the person quietly, or are you more inclinded to change your convictions to better accomodate the relationship?
Would you get more upset because your personal values are being offended on the behalf of someone else, for instance someone is directly violating one of your personal convictions against someone else... let's say you have a strong personal conviction about not saying the word 'turtle' in public and someone is yelling 'turtle' at someone else?
...or is it because you are aware that their personal vaules are being attacked, even if you do not share those values... to continue the example, you have no problem with people saying 'turtle', but you know that the person who is having 'turtle' yelled at them has a personal conviction about it?
Fe and Fi are similar in function but very different in motivation.