Another one of those weird dreams


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Side dream, may not be related

I was at home, looking for food in our kitchen. Noticed one of the kitchen cabinets with old food. Oh, there are a lot of little chocolate and ube cakes and wafers here. I tried one. It was ube. It tasted bad. I looked at the packaging. Expired a year ago. Sheesh.

But underneath all the food was different stuff we thought we’d lost, some of mom’s stuff (probably important papers), artwork and books that I’d stored and forgot I put them there. They were books that I loved. I took a mental note to gather my stuff later.

Semi-lucid dream.

I was walking on my way to school. My friend (boy, so let’s call him B) caught up to me, pointed to his van (we were neighbors apparently and sometimes used it) and asked, “Do you think it’s flat?”

I examined the tires. No doubt. “Yep, it’s flat.”
“Are you sure? Really sure?”
I did a good look. “Uh huh.”
“Aw, daym.” So we went on our separate ways. Using public transportation to go to our respective schools.

It seemed I was in my old college again, and with my old friend, let’s call her G. She’s a beauty of the national level and going out/ married to B. We went to class, but inside the classroom was a single large bed. It was a snuggle class for girls. Like a cuddle workshop. We lay down on the bed next to each other, and G cozied up to me. It felt really good, and I must have dozed off. (In real life, this particular friend never let me hug her or hold her hand, surprise surprise.)

After our class/es, there’s a gap in the story. G and I left school and went to what seemed to be a mall. Except I got lost at some point. There was a gathering of priests and bishops there, and I just happened to walk in their seminar with some classes also going on. The priests would ignore me as soon as they saw me and I found the way out. So some kind of a Catholic conference. In a mall. Huh. Some of my nightmares involved churches and malls, but this is the 2nd time I remember the combination. I was raised Catholic, and I hate it.

I found my friend G and was trying to convince her to go back to B. Said something like, “come on, the guy loves you.” I don’t remember except I think I was pretty lucid because we were arguing. For a dream, there was a lot of thinking going on.

Another gap in my memory. I was talking to a little boy, and apparently he’s the son of B and G, and in my care. (How did that happen?) I was spending time with him, trying to cheer him up, really trying, until he started asking about his parents and that troubled me. Again, I used a lot of my thinking power, which was weird for a dream, and at that point I became aware that it was all a dream, but I wanted to get my point across before I left the little boy for the real world.

Now here I am. I typed this as soon as I could. @Skarekrow

What do you think about this one? My mood right now is like hanging in a bad way. I'm depressed and not okay with myself. I want to find something I enjoy but I couldn't think of anything. And I'd skipped both breakfast and lunch because I didn't know what I wanted to it. I fell asleep thinking of what I would like to eat that would maybe make me feel good, if only for a while.

And I find it really weird, disturbing even that I don't get psychic experiences when I try to be good to myself and spiritual, but I get these weird dreams when I am utterly devastated and not expecting anything good to happen... I mean, at that time it felt good, especially the snuggle class. Having a couple of friends in the dream is nice too. But it makes waking back to reality awful.
Side dream, may not be related

I was at home, looking for food in our kitchen. Noticed one of the kitchen cabinets with old food. Oh, there are a lot of little chocolate and ube cakes and wafers here. I tried one. It was ube. It tasted bad. I looked at the packaging. Expired a year ago. Sheesh.

But underneath all the food was different stuff we thought we’d lost, some of mom’s stuff (probably important papers), artwork and books that I’d stored and forgot I put them there. They were books that I loved. I took a mental note to gather my stuff later.

Semi-lucid dream.

I was walking on my way to school. My friend (boy, so let’s call him B) caught up to me, pointed to his van (we were neighbors apparently and sometimes used it) and asked, “Do you think it’s flat?”

I examined the tires. No doubt. “Yep, it’s flat.”
“Are you sure? Really sure?”
I did a good look. “Uh huh.”
“Aw, daym.” So we went on our separate ways. Using public transportation to go to our respective schools.

It seemed I was in my old college again, and with my old friend, let’s call her G. She’s a beauty of the national level and going out/ married to B. We went to class, but inside the classroom was a single large bed. It was a snuggle class for girls. Like a cuddle workshop. We lay down on the bed next to each other, and G cozied up to me. It felt really good, and I must have dozed off. (In real life, this particular friend never let me hug her or hold her hand, surprise surprise.)

After our class/es, there’s a gap in the story. G and I left school and went to what seemed to be a mall. Except I got lost at some point. There was a gathering of priests and bishops there, and I just happened to walk in their seminar with some classes also going on. The priests would ignore me as soon as they saw me and I found the way out. So some kind of a Catholic conference. In a mall. Huh. Some of my nightmares involved churches and malls, but this is the 2nd time I remember the combination. I was raised Catholic, and I hate it.

I found my friend G and was trying to convince her to go back to B. Said something like, “come on, the guy loves you.” I don’t remember except I think I was pretty lucid because we were arguing. For a dream, there was a lot of thinking going on.

Another gap in my memory. I was talking to a little boy, and apparently he’s the son of B and G, and in my care. (How did that happen?) I was spending time with him, trying to cheer him up, really trying, until he started asking about his parents and that troubled me. Again, I used a lot of my thinking power, which was weird for a dream, and at that point I became aware that it was all a dream, but I wanted to get my point across before I left the little boy for the real world.

Now here I am. I typed this as soon as I could. @Skarekrow

What do you think about this one? My mood right now is like hanging in a bad way. I'm depressed and not okay with myself. I want to find something I enjoy but I couldn't think of anything. And I'd skipped both breakfast and lunch because I didn't know what I wanted to it. I fell asleep thinking of what I would like to eat that would maybe make me feel good, if only for a while.

And I find it really weird, disturbing even that I don't get psychic experiences when I try to be good to myself and spiritual, but I get these weird dreams when I am utterly devastated and not expecting anything good to happen... I mean, at that time it felt good, especially the snuggle class. Having a couple of friends in the dream is nice too. But it makes waking back to reality awful.
Just a few questions...
So are you worried that this will come to pass one day? Or has the dream itself put you into this distressed mood and in actuality it would never happen?
Just a few questions...
So are you worried that this will come to pass one day? Or has the dream itself put you into this distressed mood and in actuality it would never happen?

No, not at all. Except for the "bishops in the mall" part it was a pleasant dream and my mind was clear. I was in a distressed mood already before I went to sleep, but I was fine in the dream world. I wouldn't mind if it actually happened. In the dream, I was surprisingly cool enough to handle things.
No, not at all. Except for the "bishops in the mall" part it was a pleasant dream and my mind was clear. I was in a distressed mood already before I went to sleep, but I was fine in the dream world. I wouldn't mind if it actually happened. In the dream, I was surprisingly cool enough to handle things.

I think it sounds like you have a lot going on in your life and mind right now.
I’m sure there are deeper meanings behind some of the imagery you have described but I would only be making assumptions about you and your life if I were to try and think of what they could represent.
Not really knowing you very well makes interpretation even harder...if I knew your thoughts and feelings about certain things and experiences then I may be able to say something more substantial that this.
Whenever I seek clarity...I meditate on it, or if you really wish I can pull tarot cards...though, I’m notoriously bad with setting time limits on myself or doing something by a certain day/time...I’m not making an excuse, just letting you know that the chronic pain that is always around sometimes takes precedence over typing up a tarot reading (which I need to be in the right frame of mind for) and for that I am sorry...I didn’t used to be so flaky. ;)
But let me know...what do you think the dream means?
What parts can you readily say - it’s probably that.
And what parts have you scratching your head?
I'm in that transition phase where I'm confused about what to do next (similar to the time when I had that inception-like "gatekeeper/angel" dream. I don't know how I'm going to survive in the real world, I'm too idealistic and lacking practical skills. There is pressure to get a job, but also the nagging feeling that I should isolate myself until I've really found who I am, and decided who I want to be.

So the side dream for me, means that I have to dig a little more the old stuff (and hopefully not eat something moldy in the process) so I can get to the treasures I'd been keeping all this time.

The main dream involves a male and a female who are parents to a child. But for some reason, I was the one advising man, woman, and child. It baffles me because I'm not an expert on anything, especially mechanics, relationships and parenting. And yet they came to me for my opinion, advice and care. I am surprised that I was "wise" in the dream. I'm clueless about those things right now.

Probably none of them would need me around if B and G were together to take care of the kid. But for some reason, they separated and left me with a huge responsibility.

I loved the snuggle class, and I hated the mall with all the priests. Quiet and individual contact versus a confusing group setting.

I probably missed a few important details.
I'm in that transition phase where I'm confused about what to do next (similar to the time when I had that inception-like "gatekeeper/angel" dream. I don't know how I'm going to survive in the real world, I'm too idealistic and lacking practical skills. There is pressure to get a job, but also the nagging feeling that I should isolate myself until I've really found who I am, and decided who I want to be.

So the side dream for me, means that I have to dig a little more the old stuff (and hopefully not eat something moldy in the process) so I can get to the treasures I'd been keeping all this time.

The main dream involves a male and a female who are parents to a child. But for some reason, I was the one advising man, woman, and child. It baffles me because I'm not an expert on anything, especially mechanics, relationships and parenting. And yet they came to me for my opinion, advice and care. I am surprised that I was "wise" in the dream. I'm clueless about those things right now.

Probably none of them would need me around if B and G were together to take care of the kid. But for some reason, they separated and left me with a huge responsibility.

I loved the snuggle class, and I hated the mall with all the priests. Quiet and individual contact versus a confusing group setting.

I probably missed a few important details.

What would be your ideal job?
What are you trying to do with your life right now?
What kind of treasures do you think are hiding within you?
Are you afraid of being in a commitment?
Is that something you feel you are lacking in your life? Would you like someone to depend on and who depends on you?
It seems like you are conflicted between what makes you feel good personally and the rules/morals you were brought up to believe maybe?
1. I don't know anymore. I was studying to become a music teacher when i abruptly got kicked out of school. Now I'm scared to commit to any path.

2. Trying to get rid of the anxiety and depression caused by #1 and a few things that happened in between. I lost two special friends and I'm trying to fill the void.

3. Hidden passions... If that fire were awakened by someone or something, I will be totally devoted to the point of obsession (part of the reasons why I closed off a lot of my interests). If it's a romantic relationship, I will very generous and tender. An emotional, maybe even intellectual powerhouse just waiting to be opened. I like to share and give... the fact that those books were hidden away means that I found nobody to share them with.

4. I am afraid of committing myself to the wrong ideal, career, or person. I have failed at so many commitments before, and hurt others in the process. It would be stupid and selfish of me to commit myself to something just so I would have something to do or someone to dote on.

5. Yes, and yes. I'm scared of having someone depend on me, but I want someone to depend on, and if possible, I would love to give. I'm afraid I don't have anything to give to the other person. But if I did, and if I had a lot to give to the person/ideal I love, that would make me so happy.

6. Yes, exactly. Not only am I affected by other people's presence and emotions, I am trained to put my wellbeing last while making everybody else feel comfortable. To the point where I don't know myself. I don't know what I would want to do if nobody's there to give me validation. I'd lose enjoyment in a lot of things I used to like just because other people find them weird. So I don't really know what it means to feel good personally.
1. I don't know anymore. I was studying to become a music teacher when i abruptly got kicked out of school. Now I'm scared to commit to any path.

2. Trying to get rid of the anxiety and depression caused by #1 and a few things that happened in between. I lost two special friends and I'm trying to fill the void.

3. Hidden passions... If that fire were awakened by someone or something, I will be totally devoted to the point of obsession (part of the reasons why I closed off a lot of my interests). If it's a romantic relationship, I will very generous and tender. An emotional, maybe even intellectual powerhouse just waiting to be opened. I like to share and give... the fact that those books were hidden away means that I found nobody to share them with.

4. I am afraid of committing myself to the wrong ideal, career, or person. I have failed at so many commitments before, and hurt others in the process. It would be stupid and selfish of me to commit myself to something just so I would have something to do or someone to dote on.

5. Yes, and yes. I'm scared of having someone depend on me, but I want someone to depend on, and if possible, I would love to give. I'm afraid I don't have anything to give to the other person. But if I did, and if I had a lot to give to the person/ideal I love, that would make me so happy.

6. Yes, exactly. Not only am I affected by other people's presence and emotions, I am trained to put my wellbeing last while making everybody else feel comfortable. To the point where I don't know myself. I don't know what I would want to do if nobody's there to give me validation. I'd lose enjoyment in a lot of things I used to like just because other people find them weird. So I don't really know what it means to feel good personally.

Hmmm... You gave me an answer to what I was asking to myself actually but I got new questions to myself now. Maybe you know what I should know. I just can't see the point.
Hmmm... You gave me an answer to what I was asking to myself actually but I got new questions to myself now. Maybe you know what I should know. I just can't see the point.

Really? I don't quite understand, but maybe that dream was meant for you?
Really? I don't quite understand, but maybe that dream was meant for you?

I just felt like what would I do if I start to think like you. I usually know what to do but what if I lost the answer, what if I scared to commit any path, what if I lose my friend, what if I lose my fire, etc. I'm started to ask these question to myself lately.
Really? I don't quite understand, but maybe that dream was meant for you?

I found answer for these questions:

I just felt like what would I do if I start to think like you. I usually know what to do but what if I lost the answer, what if I scared to commit any path, what if I lose my friend, what if I lose my fire, etc. I'm started to ask these question to myself lately.

I always find my answer, I won't scare to commit to my path (I will find my path), if I lose my friend I may find a new one or not(sometimes I just deleted my friend from my life if I think they dragging me down), I won't lose my fire because I'm always a fighter, I fight to fight, no matter what. Because I sick of losing.

Every human is a fighter, it's our nature to fight. We didn't give up because of that. We just keep improving. We are looking for other intelleged life because of that. We always ask, always find our answer.

You are a fighter too because of that. You ask, seek for answer. But you should know sometimes you must just give yourself some time to relax. Or you will enter the state of this:
Woke up after the weirdest series of dreams ever. Had an aquarium full of different “fish” that floated on air again. Colorful fishes that just floated around. That happened a long time ago, but this time I’d been staring down at it until it got dark. Thought to myself, at the end of the day, everything becomes shades of gray.

Then in an unrelated dream, I was eating roasted chicken loaded with soy sauce, and found messages in the soy sauce. I remembered receiving gifts from a friend overseas. Someone I loved. We had somehow taken to snail mail and gifts instead of just online communication. Again, that dream happened many years ago, and the snail mail/ packages thing never happened in real life (though I wanted it to - I had given my real address to at least two people on the internet hoping for letters). The messages seemed to come from my ex-girlfriend. A sort of chatting telepathically while eating.

She said, “Marie is not here anymore.”
Then I was absolutely sure it was my ex. It was only to me that she referred to herself as Marie. But I decided to play along, “Oh. My condolences.”
“Thank you.”
I was supposed to ask what happened, but I stared at my chicken and felt bored. I wasn’t hungry anymore. I loved her so much back then, but now I didn’t care what happened to her. The fact that she would message me, of all people, would mean that she was desperate. But I was too numb or too tired to care. I said something short and cold like, “you’re welcome,” and that was it.

How strange that feeling was. Not to care. I had been asking myself if that was the right thing to do. To stop caring too much about other people. It felt weird and wrong, but I had been through too much trouble and hurt simply because I cared too much. I had no other choice.
How strange that feeling was. Not to care. I had been asking myself if that was the right thing to do. To stop caring too much about other people. It felt weird and wrong, but I had been through too much trouble and hurt simply because I cared too much. I had no other choice.

You reminded me a tv-show called "scrubs" about a new doctor (his name is J.D.) who care too much his patients and end up broken everytime. I just watched three episodes but even in first episode there is answer for meaning of life.

I started to think like I'm very similar to J.D.. I'm thinking J.D. is doing right thing but he must sometimes have to let go and must do what is in his power. If he can't let go then he must be strong about his decision. Because J.D. ain't superman. No one is superman. Even doctors.