Another white male attack:

No, why do you ask?


Isn’t @Eventhorizon a Freemason?
Maybe he can explain this picture to us all?
(probably doctored of course)
Probably just Knights of Columbus... look away.

Probably a piñata full of cigars, monocles, and babies to sacrifice.
The second state trooper died.
The devil can't even write well.
Wisdom is justified of her children. Good stuff.
Look...I am not brainwashed as everyone assumes. I don't watch CNN or MSNBC or any mainstream news actually. I do not trust the mainstream news. That being said a lot of the sources I get news from I frequently disagree with. I know the blind democrats you are talking about, I've been friends with them and ended up getting into huge fights because although I'm socialist/liberal I do not typically agree with establishment democrats and definitely research my positions. I don't like discussion opposing points of views when it is something I am passionate about because typically the reasons for someone being opposed to it make no sense to me and enrage me.

I have never learned ANYTHING by discussing, say, legalization of gay marriage with someone who was opposed to it. I don't want to learn anything. I wouldn't talk to someone who was against interracial marriage, either, y'know. It's just intolerance and ignorance.

If you vote for people who are doing these things, passing laws to terrorize people of certain religions, forbid same sex marriage, restrict people's rights to contraception, are supporting bad things, which by virtue makes you a bad person.

Exactly Liberal people with these 'inclusive' views are never going to be 'open' to views that deny these rights. You might as well beat your head against a wall trying to persuade any of us otherwise. I'm with @slant on that. I would stand by that, to prison and or death, sound dramatic? Given a situation that demanded it, yes I feel that strongly about my beliefs. Lame arguments and unreasoned thinking is not going to do a great deal apart from infuriate.
I think it strange how the adjective "perverse" offends those it offends. Most people think about sex when they hear this word. Mankind can pervert most anything, including laws and justice.

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
Most people would look at this literally when reading it. There are those which understand it: both young and old, black and white, educated and less educated.