Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Sleep on the world, when have I not?
If the world is sleeping inside itself does that qualify for worldception?
Are we inventing new words now?
Are we neologists?
May I compliment you on your vocabulary?
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Is this a survey?
Is it possible that this thread is just one long survey since surveys consist of a series of questions?
Would you like to enlighten us as to the difference between a questionnaire and a survey?
Isn't a survey what Geo Washington did in the wilderness and a Questionaire is the heir to a Question?
Can I take back my compliment about your vocabulary?
Weren't you only asking for my permission?
what are feelings?
In what context?
Is it possible that [MENTION=1939]Stu[/MENTION] just admitted that he is an imposter and not really a feeler?
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