Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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isn't this like quibbling over nibbly bits?
Is that like asking "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object?"
:mlight: Guess who is watching?? Is it an unstoppable object? Unmovable force?
is that why I feel the goose flesh?
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Canada Goose?
is this not the "Imagination Exercises" sub forum?
How does one tell which sex a Canada Goose is?
wouldn't it be by watching how they behave around a struting Canadian Gander?
Are goose really cheaper by the gander?
wouldn't that be geese per gander?
Down for dander?
Is that all the content of your words are?
Do you really want to know what I heard the word "fluff" used for years ago?
If I or anyone else said no, would you care?
Am I supposed to guess some sort of pork product?
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