Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Were you barefoot and walking in snow?
Would you believe me if I said 'yes'?
Will you walk barefoot in the snow to prove it?
do i get to carry La Saga's books?
Will you come to Canada to do it since there's plenty of snow to prove it?
Do you have any books up there?
Plenty of books, do I need to prove that too?
do you feel you have a lot to prove?
wouldn't that depend on the deed?
Do you do dirty deeds, done dirt cheap?
Do acts of kindness for no fees count?
Dirty deeds done cheap.... acts of kindness for free.... Are we talking about prostitution and sex with ugly chicks?
Did prostitution and ugly chicks come to mind because of personal experience?
Is it not wisdom, when one's broadness of mind exceeds the broadness of one's experience?
Isn't it narcissistic to believe that one's broadness of mind exceeds the broadness of one's experience?
If one were illiterate, did not consider others' opinions, and presumed one's opinions were always objective, it would seem that way, wouldn't it?
How can you tell if your opinions are objective or subjective?
Isn't an objective analysis dependent upon subjective experience?
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