Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Was my question an implication?
weren't you implying that matter was not specific?
If i don't mind, does it matter?
If you don't mind and it doesn't matter, might I ask, "Is old man winter holding spring hostage"? Mind you, does it matter?
Is that a matter of fact?
Is all this mattering back and forth necessary?
Isn't the need to be appreciated, noticed, and acknowledged for a person like sun shine, soil and rain to a flower?
Do you mean that feeling appreciated, noticed and acknowledged helps you feel like you matter?
didn't I just say that (what's the matter with you?)?
Do you really want to know what's the matter with me?
what is the opposite of a rhetorical question?
A non rhetorical question?
are you asking or telling?
Was that the right answer?
Why is being so right all the time important to you?
What makes you think that I want to be right all the time?
Well......does it matter to you; this being right all the time?
Hey: what's the difference in matter and mass?
Does it matter to you?
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