Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Is the Far Side one of the few comics that actually make me laugh on occasion even if its just on the inside?

Are you not a laugher?
Who is "you" in this sentence, my inner child or someone elses?
Which one do you want it to be?
Would that make a difference?
to who?
Shouldn't that be 'To whom?' ?
To whom are you speaking?
Are you offering?
I offered, but did someone change something?
If I reply to that, will my post be ignored yet again?
aren't things always changing?
Can I change that smoothie to just a cup of coffee?
A coffee smoothie? Won't that be a bit strong?
I dont know but it sounds really good?
Do you know what else sounds really good?
do we have to ask?
Did you think I meant cake?
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