Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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What if I told you I havent yet?
Should we be surprised?
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Would it be a Destiny or a Doom?
Did anyone else notice how quiet it got?
Do we know that time is something real and not just a perception unique to humanity?
Is that an infj question?
Aren't the questions in this thread all INFJ questions since they are on
Do we not ask more questions than most; questions such as [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] asked? Did time go away for a bit?
Are we in a time warp?[video=youtube;FPzhYhuQXZY][/video]
Do you mind if I leave, then? Don't think I have ten seconds to spare; do you?
Which question should I answer?
Indecisive or pointing out a foul? I'll go hide...
Cant you be indecisive and point out a foul at the same time?
Isn't that asking why the chicken crossed the road?
Perhaps then the chicken crossed the road to avoid being eaten and did not succeed?
Ahh, but what came first, the chicken or the road?
Alphabetically, the chicken; but by what measure do we judge the time of their coming?
Do yo mean the second coming?
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